Caught Crossdressing: How My Wife Caught Me Dressed Up In Her Dress and Wig

12/17/2023 - BY jiasuo

Have you ever been in a situation when time seemed to stop?


And I’m not talking about those amazing moments when you want to freeze time, but those ghastly ones when your blood freezes and you can barely move.


This was me six months ago.


You see, my wife Angie had left to meet her friends for brunch, and I had the house all to myself.




Don’t get me wrong, Angie and I are in love, but I hadn’t been by myself for more than a week.


Meaning that I hadn’t crossdressed in a while, and I was dying to try out the pink satin dress and the black bob wig that I bought Angie for her birthday.


Would I be selfish to admit that I bought them so I could secretly wear them too?


Probably, but hey, I’m no saint, and neither are you.


So without wasting any time, I stepped into the shower for a quick rinse.


This wasn’t my first rodeo and I knew that rule number one of crossdressing with your wife’s clothes is to never leave behind any evidence, especially sweat.



The Unexpected Discovery – How I Got Caught crossdressing




Lucky for me, Angie had also re-stocked her lavender body wash and by the time I left the shower, I was no longer Mason but Shantel, my crossdressing persona.


As I tuned into my persona, I slowly slipped on Angie’s white robe and stood admiring the pink satin dress in Angie’s closet.


I reached out and slid the dress through my fingers as I felt its smooth texture.


My God!  It felt lovely.


Then with as much grace as I could master, I slipped on the dress in front of our bedroom mirror and watched as it fit me snug like second skin.


I looked fabulous. I’m not even exaggerating.


The dress seemed as though it was molded for me.


Its thin straps helped show off my wide shoulders and its wide slit showed off my long legs.




To complete the look, I needed to do something about my hair.


So I went back to Angie’s closet, took out the black bob wig that I had bought her, and wore it.


And just before I could admire myself in the mirror, I heard the bedroom door open and I kid you not, my heart skipped not one but three beats.


Angie was standing there and I saw how her eyes turned from shock to pure horror.


To this day, I’m surprised that she didn’t scream.


As for me, I was also too shocked to do anything and a million thoughts were racing through my mind. “Why is Angie here?” “Wasn’t she coming back at 5?”


“Oh My God, she just saw me like this, will she leave me?”


All I can say is that it was the longest 3 minutes of silence in my life.


I just got caught crossdressing!


Caught Crossdressing – My Wife’s Reaction




“ Uum, I…I can explain,’ I whispered like a child who had been caught stealing sugar by their mommy.


“Mason, what the hell is going on??”


She barked as she tried to meet my eyes.


I had been trying so hard to avoid her gaze, and I stared at the floor feeling ashamed.


But what Angie did next, is what surprised me.


She closed the bedroom door behind her and hugged me.


I’m not ashamed to tell you that I shed some tears.


I had never felt as accepted and seen as I did at that moment.


The Embarrassing Explanation


crossdresser husband


After the long hug, I sat Angie down on our unmade bed, looked into her brown eyes, and told her about Shantel, my crossdressing persona.


I told her that I had been crossdressing years before I had even met her.


And instead of attacking me, she just nodded and encouraged me to keep talking.


So I told her that crossdressing was my way of expressing myself and trying out new looks.


I explained that it didn’t mean that I was gay and liked men, but it was just a way for me to express myself.


And as weird as that sounded, she seemed to understand.


The one big crossdressing secret that I had kept from Angie for almost 7 years was now in the open, and she was okay with it.


What more could a crossdressing man ask for?


Acceptance and Empathy


grt crossdressing clothes 


Never in a million years did I imagine that my wife would be okay with me crossdressing.


I had even sworn to take the secret to my grave.


But there I was, feeling lighter than ever and closer to my wife than even the days when we were falling in love.


Her acceptance and empathy reinforced in me that I was worthy of receiving love just as I am and that I didn’t have to hide different parts of me.


Going Public With Our Story


husband crossdressing 


A few weeks after I got caught crossdressing in her dress and wig, I decided to go public with my story.


I wanted to share my experience with other crossdressers.


So with the support of my wife, I started a blog called ‘Life after Coming Out’ and I even recorded some podcast episodes on Spotify.


Life After Coming Out




It’s amazing to see the number of people who comment and say that my story gave them the courage to also come out to their wives.


And how embracing their crossdressing persona in the presence of their partner has even spiced up their sex lives.


If you’re like me and you swore never to tell your wife that you crossdress, my advice is you slowly test the waters.


Try to broach the subject with her to see how she reacts.


You can even make up an imaginary friend called Mike and tell her that he confessed to you that he crossdressers with his wife’s clothes.


Then gauge how she reacts.


You never know…


Opening up and showing your wife your crossdressing persona might bring you two closer.


All the best love, and happy coming out.

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