Choosing Your Crossdressing Style Or Persona

10/23/2022 - BY Linna

Finding your style, one that you’re comfortable with and enjoy, can be difficult.  I’ve never been very interested in fashion or appearance as a man, and found there was so much to get to grips with.


When I got started, I went to a professional make over service and something they asked me was, ‘how do you see yourself?’. I didn’t know how to answer the question at that moment and I just put myself in their hands.


Choosing Your Crossdressing Style Or Persona


Having had the time to think about it now, a good analogy might be a new band looking for ‘their sound’.  


Find the right one, and you’ll have a good way to frame all your fashion choices.  


So, let’s discuss a few popular looks for crossdressers and what you could need to achieve them.



a. Bimbo


Choosing Your Crossdressing Style Or Persona


The bimbo Barbie look has been trendy recently; there’s even a new Barbie movie being made starring Margot Robbie.  The bimbo look has also always been a classic among some groups of crossdressers.  I’ve been curious to try the full bimbo look and see how I would present.


When you think of the stereotypical bimbo look, lots of bright pink and blonde hair comes to mind.  Other hallmarks of the look include big heels, exposed midriffs, short skirts and exaggerated make up.


Here are a few products that I think can help you attain your best bimbo look.


Choosing Your Crossdressing Style Or Persona


Curly Long Wig by Roanyer; the classic hairstyle for a Barbie doll is long, blonde and voluminous.  This wig should work wonders to help you achieve the bimbo look.  It would work well with a nice shade of pink lipstick and some sparkly eye shadow.


Choosing Your Crossdressing Style Or Persona


4 Inch Pumps; these heels in pink are a great choice for this look.  They are available in a good range of sizes and come from a notable manufacturer of shoes for crossdressers.  If you’re daring, they also have a 5-inch heel option.


Choosing Your Crossdressing Style Or Persona


Body Contour Dress; This dress, from the same company as the shoes, perfectly suits the bimbo aesthetic.  The thing I like about this dress is that the high neckline and long sleeves easily cover up any errant body hair or silicone edges.


These three basics are a good start.  The most essential item is going to be your skill when putting on makeup.  I would go for a pink glossy lipstick and some eye shadow with a bit of sparkle to it.


There are also loads of novelty necklaces available with either your feminine name, or even just ‘bimbo’, ‘slut’, or something more out there for you to try.


b. Goth


Back in the day, I thought the goth look was a bit intimidating; couldn’t imagine why anyone would like it.  When I was travelling a bit recently, I found my eye attracted to a lot of women rocking a modern goth look.  I have to say, it was quite sexy and it also looked pretty versatile.


Choosing Your Crossdressing Style Or Persona


Goths usually wear black, and as most crossdressers know, black is our friend.  I like dark colors because they can be slimming, but they also offer a lot of opportunities to wear contrasting colors and cosmetics.  Be ready to make some bold fashion choices, for your shoes and accessories especially.


Choosing Your Crossdressing Style Or Persona


Above the Ankle Boots; Doc Martens are a staple of the Goth community in Camden, London.  These boots are part of the classic goth look; lots of black leather and laces.  Matching these with a short skirt and some fishnets would be sublime and definitely make some heads turn.  They’ll also last a lifetime!


Choosing Your Crossdressing Style Or Persona


Roanyer Body Stocking; here are the fishnets you can pair with the boots!  The stretchy body stocking will work well as a foundation garment for most goth looks.  Slipping it on will also make you feel sexy and feminine.


Choosing Your Crossdressing Style Or Persona


Goth Jewelry; Etsy is a superb place to look for items that are a bit to the left of conventional.  Part of the goth look glamorizes items that we don’t usually associate with beauty, like snakes, skulls or long spikes.  Tight chokers with an emblem hanging are a nice way to go, along with big silver dangling earrings.


Choosing Your Crossdressing Style Or Persona


Lace Overlay Dress; this dress is awesome, it’s a two in one actually.  The base layer is a simple little black dress which is quite versatile.


It comes with a full-length lace overlay piece to upgrade the look.  Black lace is another must have when rocking the goth look; can’t go wrong here.


The goth look also requires some specific cosmetics.  Very pale skin is matched with dark dark colors.


Black, dark purple or midnight blue lipstick should be matched with eye makeup of the same color.  Try to use a dark wig as well, ideally one that matches the color of your chosen lipstick.


c. Crossdressing Style – School Girl


Choosing Your Crossdressing Style Or Persona


This look is going to be quite easy to achieve.  School uniforms, no matter the country, are usually made up of similar clothes.  It just depends on what you think you’ll look nice in.


Something to be aware of is that one of the golden rules of crossdressing is to dress your age.  Trying to achieve the look of a teen girl could be tough.


I think you’re going to need just a few items to make this look a reality.


A simple white blouse is a must; you can pair it with a V-necked sweater if you’re so inclined.  A short skirt is also essential; you could choose a pleated or non-pleated skirt, plain colors or a plaid pattern.


Knee socks are the item that make or break this look in my opinion.  White ones are classic, not many schools would have another option.


Choosing Your Crossdressing Style Or Persona


Mary Janes; flat shoes complete the look.  I’ve never known of any school that requires heels as part of a uniform.  These flats are similar to most school uniform shoes and match well with any outfit.


d. Crossdressing Style – Girl Next Door


When I think about this look, I tend to think that it refers to a cute and sexy girl who looks a bit innocent.  It could be anyone, so this look could be a nice catchall.  Let’s think about a model we can use to define the look.


Choosing Your Crossdressing Style Or Persona


I’m going to try Daisy Duke, from the old show “The Dukes of Hazzard”; a country girl.


In the show and movie, she always wore a plaid collared shirt, tied off above the waist and short jean shorts.


In general, I think this is a pretty decent look to pull off.  You don’t need to copy exactly the Daisy Duke look, but I do have a few tips for anything similar.


Choosing Your Crossdressing Style Or Persona


First, go with shorts, not a dress or a skirt.  Many of our crossdressing choices likely end up with these, so try something different.


Short shorts will look amazing on your freshly shaven legs.  Also, I’d go with a belly shirt, or something that exposes your midriff if you can.


This hint of flesh is often what makes the girl next door seem like she has a less than innocent side.


Choosing Your Crossdressing Style Or Persona


Finally, don’t go overboard with your make up.  Light makeup to softly feminize your face is adequate.  Same with your choice of wig.  A pre-styled wig, like a bob cut or premade ponytails are a no here.


These wouldn’t match with the causal look of the girl next door.  Looking natural is the goal on this one.



Crossdressing is an opportunity to escape from ourselves, and to present in a totally different way.  It’s chance to create a whole new persona; one that you can mold to your wishes.


Sometimes, creating a character is a nice way to fully remove yourself from yourself.  Maybe you’d like to be a blonde bimbo Barbie doll on the weekends, or a Goth rocker girl who likes to hit the bars.


Starting with the image and then filling in the lines is a nice simple way of beginning to set out on a new crossdressing journey into your new persona.


What’s your favorite look?  How do you make it happen?  Can you share your favored style and tips to achieve it?  I’m curious to know.

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  1. Hello,
    I miss the sexy secretary / buissenis style look
    Pencil skirt and matching jacket, shirt, nylons , Pumps
    This is my favorite outfit

  2. Hello,

    I miss the sexy secretary / buissenis style look
    Pencil skirt and matching jacket, shirt, nylons , Pumps
    This is my favorite outfit

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