How To Differentiate A Cross-dressing Beginner From A Pro

10/24/2022 - BY Linna

There are many different types of cross-dressers out there. Our community is growing daily as more and more sisters start their journeys. They start as beginners, learning new techniques and taking their first feminine steps. But what makes them so different from our more experienced sisters? How do you know if you are already a pro and how much progress you have made?


How To Differentiate A Cross-dressing Beginner From A Pro


As our community grew, I heard this kind of question more often. You can figure it out based on the level of your skills and techniques. It also affects the passability level, as cross-dressing pros master the illusion. If you want to find out how much progress you have made in your journey, this is the right article.


How To Differentiate A Cross-dressing Beginner From A Pro hide


1. The makeup style


How To Differentiate A Cross-dressing Beginner From A Pro


This is the first thing one might notice in a cross-dresser and one of the easiest ways to differentiate a newbie from a pro. The reason for that is relatively simple: This is the skill that takes the longest to be improved. It requires a lot of practice and familiarization with certain concepts, some of which aren’t so easy for beginners. Because of that, the makeup on a cross-dressing newbie is much different and less polished compared to one made by a pro.


How To Differentiate A Cross-dressing Beginner From A Pro


Beginners tend to exaggerate on foundation and other products, creating a very artificial look. Their eyeshadow color is usually more vibrant and apparent, and the eyeliner tends to look rough. Smudges are not rare, and a bright tone of red is their preferred lipstick color. Experienced cross-dressers, on the other hand, tend to use a more subtle approach with lighter makeup. They focus on the contouring of their faces and concealing minor imperfections. The eyeshadow is also less vibrant, with natural tones, and the applied eyeliner looks smoother. Smudges are less frequent, and lipstick colors vary. Some common choices are nude tones and darker colors.


2. Body language


How To Differentiate A Cross-dressing Beginner From A Pro


This is also something that takes time to be perfect. There are significant differences between male and female body language. How well cross-dressers imitate them also varies from positioning their hands during a speech to how they walk. Beginners have difficulty trying to emulate that, and some forget entirely about it. They move in a manly, sloppy way instead of replicating the delicate movements of a lady. The most common error is failing to move your hips as you walk or taking long steps instead of short ones. Letting your arms hang loose is also a mistake, forgetting to straighten your back. Although shapewear can help you with that, concentration and study are required. Experienced cross-dressers spend hours practicing that and learn how to move in a very feminine manner. They sync the movement of their legs and hips, always keeping their arms close to their body. Some use specialized shapewear to correct their postures, which significantly helps. But most importantly, they are focused on that and can keep a feminine facade for hours.


How To Differentiate A Cross-dressing Beginner From A Pro


I still want to use this topic to mention voice training, as it’s also part of your body language. Beginners go for higher pitches and sound more like a child. In some cases, the result is annoying and breaks the illusion. But forging a feminine voice is also tricky for experienced cross-dressing. Some experts talk as little as possible. But those with more confidence emulate a feminine voice more naturally, in a way that may sound quite convincing. It requires practice, self-control, patience, and concentration.


3. The type of wig


How To Differentiate A Cross-dressing Beginner From A Pro


This difference is way more subtle than the previous two. For the untrained eye, a wig is a wig. However, both style and quality play a part in the final result. Blond wigs seem to be popular among beginners due to the beauty standards and stereotypes. But most have no idea how to choose the right style for their build. I met some people wearing wigs that made them look less feminine than before. So when you see a cross-dressing newbie, you’ll notice that their hair is off and doesn’t seem to fit the rest of their features.


How To Differentiate A Cross-dressing Beginner From A Pro


Another thing to point out is the material and condition of the wig. To be fair, it also depends a little on luck and budget. Nonetheless, beginners wear wigs of bad-quality material with a characteristical shine. It makes their wigs look artificial. The style is often a variance of long, straight hair, with no waves or curliness whatsoever. Some people benefit from that, depending on their build, but most people don’t. Expert cross-dressers know how to choose a wig that suits their facial features better. It increases the feminization potential. The styles are varied, and the material is of better quality, increasing the realism. And as they choose a proper hairstyle, you don’t get that feeling of something being off.


4. Outfitting


How To Differentiate A Cross-dressing Beginner From A Pro


Much like the previous topic, outfitting is more critical than it seems. Choosing the right clothes for your body type requires some experience, at least. You’ll have to go through some measurements, including the numbers with and without shapewear. However, newbies are eager to try out some stereotypical feminine clothes, such as dresses and skirts. Others are more tempted by underwear and will do what they can to expose it, generally by using revealing outfits. Regardless of what kind of beginner it is, their outfits are less than often something women would use in their daily lives. It also tends to be something unfit for their body type and might as well look weird upon close inspection. Cross-dressing pros, on the other hand, are in touch with current trends and know how to dress according to their body type. They take advantage of that to choose outfits that fulfill two main requirements. It must boost their feminization efforts, improving their silhouettes. But it must also look stylish, fitting specific fashion trends. As a result, they look like something straight out of a fashion week or similar event.



As you can see, cross-dressing skills improve with time. Our community is going through a massive expansion. But it takes time for those newbies to become professional cross-dressers. Some of us don’t even know how good they are. But if you analyze their skills, you might be able to tell how far they have come in their journeys. Practice leads to perfection, and our abilities and techniques reflect that. Tell us in the comments about your situation and how many of these skills you have mastered.

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