When Coming Out As A Crossdresser Goes South


It comes at a point in the life of every crossdresser that we just want to share these wonderful sensations with someone else.


Sometimes all we need is to talk with someone that understands us and makes us feel better in this confusing ocean we are all swimming in.


But what happens when we open up and our honesty is met with disdain and incomprehension.


When Coming Out As A Crossdresser Goes South


This is why today we are going to be talking about this great step in every crossdresser’s life and how to tackle it.


This is not by any means a paper from a psychological expert on gender topics.


This is just a humble insight into your favorite crossdressing writer!



1. Knowing Who to Trust


When Coming Out As A Crossdresser Goes South


Unfortunately, due to the hypocrisy and the biased minds of our time, we must be very careful who we trust.


This is something that everyone learns either the good or the hard way at some point.


The fact that crossdressing is beyond comprehension for many people, makes it hard for someone to share this secret, even with our closest friends.


Living far from big cities also favors the lack of possibilities of meeting others that enjoy femininity as we do.


This is why if we don’t want to create chaos in our relationships, we tend to keep our crossdressing to ourselves.


When Coming Out As A Crossdresser Goes South


My personal recommendation regarding this point is that you must have shared a lot of different experiences and know very well the person who you trust with this secret.


Pay attention to details if there is any indication that your friend is a suitable candidate to open up!


2. Identifying the Correct Time and Place


When Coming Out As A Crossdresser Goes South


Timing and location are everything. This helps any news to be processed in an intended way.


When you are telling someone something this important as it is, you must be sure you feel as comfortable as you can to boost your confidence and determination.


Think ahead of any possible scenario to prepare for the perfect conditions at the time when you deliver the punch.


This doesn’t mean you must start overthinking it, something very common for those in this situation.


What I’m saying is that you should avoid public places and rushed times so you can have a more mature conversation over it.


Perhaps yours or your friend’s place is a good environment to discuss your crossdressing.


Plan an easy way to end the conversation and continue it another day if the initial shock is too big for your friend to handle!


3.Questions to Prepare for


When Coming Out As A Crossdresser Goes South


“Is it a sexual thing?”, “So, you are gay?”, “Are you hot for me?”, or “Are you trans or what?” are some of the common reactions that you are likely to receive when delivering the news.


The intention and the tone behind these questions are key to identifying how to proceed from now on.


Keep in mind that you will need to be patient and explain everything as thoroughly and detailed as you can and want.


Don’t give up too many details about your crossdressing if you think you are met with more aggression than understanding.


When Coming Out As A Crossdresser Goes South


People who know and love you the best are most likely to understand you and accompany you.


That is why it is so important to know the person well when telling them your secret.


But remember, there are many more crossdressers than you may think there are, so you may be very surprised when sharing this with a friend.


4. Time and Patience


When Coming Out As A Crossdresser Goes South


I think it is quite important to share your thoughts and likes with those you love.


It helps to have an outside look on the subject while preventing them from becoming an obsession.


But there are times when despite everything we do to make the other understand our position, all of our good intentions will fail.


This is not something that you should charge upon your shoulders.


Instead, take the higher road and try to understand, without hatred, the biased mentality in even your best friends.


Time will help most to mature and even if you find yourself on bad terms with your friend, there is always a way that those wounds will heal.


This doesn’t mean that it is something YOU should do or it’s on you.


But if you truly value a friend, despite all the hard times he/she gave you, you can get in contact to heal old wounds and rebuild your friendship!


When Coming Out As A Crossdresser Goes South


I hope these words have inspired you to be more open about your life with those that are worth your trust! Life is full of ups and downs and sadly, we don’t get to choose the timing of them!


What we can do is pave the road for a brighter future for ourselves and those after us!


You will all be fine in the end even if sometimes it feels far from impossible!


Keep your hopes high and your heart in the right direction and everything will come into place! See you soon, lovelies!

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