Do I Need to Keep My Crossdressing Private and Confidential?


So, you love crossdressing. You’ve come to terms with who you are and what that means.


You may have even started dressing full-time or at least regularly.


But one big question remains – do you need to keep your crossdressing private and confidential?


The answer is yes and No, for many reasons. Let’s take a look at some of them.




Keeping your crossdressing private or going public should be a personal decision.


Some crossdressers feel the need to keep their crossdressing confidential due to fear of judgment or ridicule, while others are more open about it.


There is no right or wrong answer, and ultimately, you should do what makes you comfortable.


1 - Do I need to keep my crossdressing private and confidential


There are some risks associated with keeping your crossdressing private.


For example, if you have a partner who is not aware of your crossdressing, they may feel betrayed or tricked if they find out.


Additionally, if you are keeping your crossdressing private from your friends and family, they may not be as understanding or accepting if they do find out.


Let’s find out more on this below.



1. Crossdressing is a personal choice


You don’t need to tell anyone if you don’t want to.


However, some people do feel the need to keep their crossdressing private and confidential for a variety of reasons.


Tip to consider if you’re thinking about keeping your crossdressing private and confidential:


2 - Do I need to keep my crossdressing private and confidential


● Your safety:


If you live in a country or area where being transgender or crossdressing is not accepted, it could be dangerous to reveal your identity.


In these cases, it’s best to keep your crossdressing private and confidential.


3 - Do I need to keep my crossdressing private and confidential


● Your job:


In some professions, revealing that you are a crossdresser could put your job at risk.


If you rely on your job for income and stability, it’s best to keep your crossdressing private and confidential.


4 - Do I need to keep my crossdressing private and confidential


● Your family:


In some families, being transgender or crossdressing is not accepted.


If you’re not sure how your family would react, it’s best to keep your crossdressing private and confidential.


5 - Do I need to keep my crossdressing private and confidential


● Your relationships:


In some relationships, being transgender or crossdressing is not accepted.


If you’re not sure how your partner would react, it’s best to keep your crossdressing private and confidential.




These are a few of the whys and wherefores why someone might choose to keep their crossdressing private and confidential.


Ultimately, the decision is up to you – if you feel comfortable revealing your identity, do so; if you don’t feel comfortable, that’s OK too.


2. Crossdressing can be a very private and personal activity


6 - Do I need to keep my crossdressing private and confidential


Some people are perfectly comfortable sharing their crossdressing with friends, family, or even the general public, while others prefer to keep it strictly private.


There is no right or wrong answer – it’s entirely up to you and what makes you most comfortable.


7 - Do I need to keep my crossdressing private and confidential


If you do choose to keep your crossdressing private, there are a few things you can do to help ensure that your privacy is respected.


First and foremost, be very cautious about who you tell – only confide in those who you know will be respectful and understanding.




Avoid leaving any evidence of your crossdressing around where others might find it – this includes hiding away any clothes, makeup, or accessories that you use.


Finally, be mindful of how you dress in public – if you think there’s a chance that someone might recognize you, it’s best to err on the side of caution and dress in a way that won’t attract attention.




Remember, there is no wrong way to crossdress – do whatever feels right for you.


If keeping your crossdressing private makes you most comfortable, then that’s perfectly fine.


3. Some people will be understanding and accepting of your crossdressing, but many will not be


8 - Do I need to keep my crossdressing private and confidential


Different stands about crossdressing and its privacy can be found in the community.


Some people believe that crossdressing should be kept as a private and personal activity.


In contrast, others are more open about it and may even share their experiences with friends or family members.




You have to make a decision that guarantees you comfort and happiness.


If you are unsure about how to proceed, it may be helpful to speak with a therapist to guide you and explore your feelings to make a plan that feels safe for you.


4. Things to consider in a person before telling them about your crossdressing journey


9 - Do I need to keep my crossdressing private and confidential


  1. How well do you know the person?


If you don’t know the person well, it’s probably not a good idea to tell them about your crossdressing journey.


You can never tell how they might respond, and it could potentially make things awkward between you two.




  1. Are they open-minded?


Gauge if the person is open-minded before telling them about your crossdressing journey.


If they’re not open-minded, they’re likely not going to be very understanding or accepting of your lifestyle choice.




  1. Do they have a history of being judgmental?


If the person has a history of being judgmental, it’s probably best to avoid telling them about your crossdressing journey.


They’re likely not going to be very understanding or accepting of it.


10 - Do I need to keep my crossdressing private and confidential


  1. Are they someone who likes to gossip?


If the person is known for being a gossip, it’s probably not a good idea to tell them about your crossdressing journey.


You don’t want them to spread rumors about you or make you the subject of gossip.




  1. Are they respectful of other people’s privacy?


If the person is respectful of other people’s privacy, they’re more likely to respect your privacy as well and not share your secret with others.


This makes them a safer bet to confide in about your crossdressing journey.




  1. Do they have any prejudices?


If the person has any prejudices, it’s probably not a good idea to tell them about your crossdressing journey.


They’re likely not going to be very understanding or accepting of it.


11 - Do I need to keep my crossdressing private and confidential


  1. Are they discerning?


If the person is discerning, they’re more likely to be accepting of your crossdressing journey and not think less of you for it.


This makes them a safer bet to confide in about your crossdressing journey.




  1. Do they understand that people are different?


If the person understands that people are different, they’re more likely to be accepting of your crossdressing journey and not judge you for it.


This makes them a safer bet to confide in about your crossdressing journey.




  1. Are they supportive?


If the person is supportive, they’re more likely to be accepting of your crossdressing journey and not think less of you for it.


This makes them a safer bet to confide in about your crossdressing journey.


12 - Do I need to keep my crossdressing private and confidential


  1. Do they have any experience with crossdressing themselves?


If the person has any experience with crossdressing themselves, they’re more likely to be understanding and accepting of their crossdressing journey.


This makes them a safer bet to confide in about your crossdressing journey.




  1. Do they have any close friends or family members who are crossdressers?


If the person has any close friends or family members who are crossdressers, they’re more likely to be understanding and accepting of your crossdressing journey.


This makes them a safer bet to confide in about your crossdressing journey.




  1. Are they comfortable with their sexuality?


If the person is comfortable with their sexuality, they’re more likely to be understanding and accepting of their crossdressing journey.


This makes them a safer bet to confide in about your crossdressing journey.


13 - Do I need to keep my crossdressing private and confidential


  1. Do they have any experience with gender non-conforming people?


If the person has any experience with gender non-conforming people, they’re more likely to be understanding and accepting of their crossdressing journey.


This makes them a safer bet to confide in about your crossdressing journey.




  1. Do they have any experience with transgender people?


If the person has any experience with transgender people, they’re more likely to be understanding and accepting of their crossdressing journey.


This makes them a safer bet to confide in about your crossdressing journey.




  1. Are they an ally of the LGBTQ+ community?


If the person is an ally of the LGBTQ+ community, they’re more likely to be understanding and accepting of your crossdressing journey.


This makes them a safer bet to confide in about your crossdressing journey.


5. Remember that crossdressing is just a small part of who you are – it does not define you as a person


14 - Do I need to keep my crossdressing private and confidential


You may choose to keep your crossdressing private and confidential for a variety of reasons, and that is perfectly OK.


Trust your gut instinct – if you feel like you need to keep your crossdressing private, then do so. Do what is best for you.




If you do choose to keep your crossdressing private, there are a few things you can do to help ensure your privacy.


First, be careful about who you tell – only confide in people you know you can trust. Second, avoid leaving any physical evidence lying around (such as clothes, makeup, etc.) that could give away your secret.


Finally, be mindful of your online presence – avoid posting anything online that could be traced back to you.


15 - Do I need to keep my crossdressing private and confidential


Keeping your crossdressing private and confidential can be difficult, but it is important to do what is best for you.


Trust your predispositions and make the choice that feels right for you.




Some benefits of keeping your crossdressing private include feeling more comfortable and relaxed when crossdressing, as well as not having to worry about others judging or making fun of you.


However, if you are keeping your crossdressing private from your friends and family, they may not be as understanding or accepting if they do find out. Therefore, it’s a tricky situation.




Ultimately, the decision of whether to keep your crossdressing private or go public is a personal one.


There is no right or wrong answer, and you should do what makes you comfortable. Feel free to go public whenever you’re ready.

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