Breaking down the Myths and Stereotypes About Femboys

06/06/2023 - BY Clea

When you think of the term “femboy”, a few things come to mind: makeup, skirts, pretty dresses and platform shoes, and perhaps a few feminine mannerisms.


Do you have a general stereotype in mind?


You may not be alone – there are quite a few things that people tend to associate with femboys, which we will be breaking down in this article.


Breaking down the Myths and Stereotypes About Femboys


You may have seen some of these stereotypes before, but I bet there are a few new ones you have yet to consider.


The stereotypes about Femboys are very similar to those of women.


The main difference is that the line is blurred. A Femboy may be simply expressing their feminine side, or making a statement about gender roles.


Being a femboy is not something that everyone understands.


If you are one, it can be challenging to deal with misconceptions about them.


In some cases, the stereotypes can be highly negative and offensive.


However, what’s true is that femboys come in many diverse forms.


They are unique and creative individuals. This article breaks down some of the myths, showcasing their realities.


The term Femboy is NOT a slur


Breaking down the Myths and Stereotypes About Femboys


The term “femboy” has been around since the 1990s, but recently it’s been getting a lot of attention.


Some people have claimed that the term is misgendering and offensive towards trans women, citing pornography as its origin.


While calling a trans woman a femboy would be offensive because it misgenders her and puts her in a category with other males, the rest is all simply false.


What’s true is the term originated as a slang for feminine boys (hence the name) and has been so since the 1990s—porn played no part in its origins.


Breaking down the Myths and Stereotypes About Femboys


However, it is still wrong to call trans women anything other than “trans women,” just as it is wrong to call them any male term.


Femboy and trans women are very different. A femboy is someone who identifies as a boy but also takes on stereotypically feminine characteristics.


They might want to wear dresses or skirts, for example.


A trans woman is someone who was assigned male at birth but identifies as female and wants to transition to the gender they identify with.


Trans women may or may not take hormones or have surgeries to align their bodies with their gender identity.


It is not about people’s sexuality


Breaking down the Myths and Stereotypes About Femboys


We’ve all heard the stereotypes about femboys: that they’re just gay men who don’t want to admit it or that they’re just trying to be feminine because they think it’s cool.


But those stereotypes are totally incorrect.


Being a femboy is about more than sexuality—it’s about identity, self-expression, and being comfortable in your own skin.


Breaking down the Myths and Stereotypes About Femboys


While it’s definitely true that some people who identify as femboys are also gay or bisexual, not all of them are.


It can be a way for people who don’t identify as male or female to express their gender identity.


Femboys aren’t necessarily feminine either—they can be masculine or androgynous, too!


Some femboys identify as agender, meaning they don’t feel like they have any gender.


Breaking down the Myths and Stereotypes About Femboys


Femboys are typically cisgender women who do not identify as male, female, or any other gender.


They may also identify as queer or pansexual.


Femboys choose the name “femboy” because they feel that it best describes their identity and experiences as individuals who present and behave in ways often associated with masculine presentation.


They are part of the larger LGBTQ+ community, but do not have to be gay or even bisexual.


They can be straight, lesbian, or transgender and still identify as femboys. In the end, being a femboy means presenting yourself in a feminine way.


While some people like to tease about sexuality, many femboys do so for fun and not always because of their sexual orientation.


They can be trans and not trans


Breaking down the Myths and Stereotypes About Femboys


Femboys are often misunderstood, and sometimes even rejected by their communities for being too feminine or not feminine enough.


But the fact is that femboys can be trans and not trans. They can be gay, straight, bisexual, or pansexual—it’s all up to them!


Femboys are often seen as asexual and feminine, but that’s not true.


Femboys can be any gender, including cis-gender (cis means you identify with the gender you were assigned at birth).


Being a femboy may mean you’re transgender, but it doesn’t have to be.


Femboys can also be non-binary or gender non-conforming.


And just because you’re a femboy doesn’t mean you’re attracted to men—you can be attracted to people of any gender!


Breaking down the Myths and Stereotypes About Femboys


Femboys are often thought of as having femininity in their bodies, but sometimes it’s more about how they feel than how they look.


Femininity is about being comfortable in your skin and feeling empowered by who you are and what makes up your identity.


Some femboys dress like girls because they want to express themselves through fashion and makeup.


Breaking down the Myths and Stereotypes About Femboys


Others wear boy clothes because they prefer them but still identify as feminine.


And some femboys don’t wear typical “girl” clothes at all! It all depends on the person and how they choose to express themselves.


The best way to explain it is gender identity is personal and unique to each person.


It is how they define their own sense of self—how they see themselves and want others to see them.


Gender expression, on the other hand, is how you express your gender identity in ways that are visible to others (like through clothing and mannerisms).


Femboys and crossdressing


Breaking down the Myths and Stereotypes About Femboys


One myth that seems to get repeated repeatedly is: “Femboys are just crossdressers.”


If you’ve ever heard this, or if you’ve said it yourself, let us explain why it’s not true.


First off, femboys are not necessarily crossdressers.


They may have similarities, but they also have differences.


Crossdressing is a specific activity that involves wearing clothing deemed “female” by society—such as skirts or dresses—and presenting oneself in a way that society would deem “feminine.”


Femboy isn’t just about dressing up; it’s about expressing your identity through your presentation in everyday life.


Femboys do not just wear skirts because they like them; they wear them because they want to express themselves through an identity historically connected with femininity.


Breaking down the Myths and Stereotypes About Femboys


They both like to wear women’s clothing and makeup, but their reasons for doing so differ.


Crossdressers do it because they feel more comfortable in women’s clothes and makeup.


In contrast, femboys do it because they enjoy the attention they get from other people when they’re dressed that way.


When crossdressing, the foundation of your personality does not change.


Breaking down the Myths and Stereotypes About Femboys


Fetish is a label you place on an action or behavior to make yourself feel more comfortable.


So even though we all crossdress, be it traditional or fetish, femboys, and crossdressers are appealing.


Because they represent someone who defies what society says is normal.


They challenge our views of gender and self-determination while allowing us to indulge in a fantasy that is accepted by society and encouraged and celebrated!


The ultimate truth about Femboys


Breaking down the Myths and Stereotypes About Femboys


Let’s break it down: What is a femboy?


A femboy is a person who identifies as male and wears clothing that is culturally considered for women.


Femboys are just trying to live their everyday lives and express themselves in the most comfortable way.


The truth is that a femboy’s visuals consist of conventionally feminine clothing – anything that is culturally considered “for women” fits this aesthetic.


Femboys are often seen as a side-effect of gender dysphoria.


Still, the truth is that femboys are just people trying their best to get through life like everyone else.


They deserve respect, dignity, and kindness just like anyone else.


Breaking down the Myths and Stereotypes About Femboys


They might dress differently than other men or wear makeup on occasion.


Still, these things don’t make them any less masculine or any less capable of being successful in life.


Although femboys appearance might seem unconventional, their clothing choices are usually relatively conventional.


Everything from dresses, skirts, and heels to makeup and jewelry is considered “feminine” in our culture.


Femboys are often told they “look like girls” or “dress like girls,” but let’s be honest: Who doesn’t love a girl? (Especially if she’s wearing a crop top.)


And who doesn’t love clothes?


If you’re into something, you should wear it! And there’s nothing more beautiful than seeing someone express themselves through their clothing choices.




Breaking down the Myths and Stereotypes About Femboys


Femboys are people who identify as male, but with specific feminine characteristics.


They aren’t necessarily gay or straight—they’re just people who identify as male but feel more comfortable wearing women’s clothing.


And that’s okay! In this article, I present some myths about femboys that you might have heard and dispel those myths with some factual information.


I hope this article helped you learn something new today, and if it did, please let me know in the comments below.

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