Gender Studies 101: What Is Gender Really?


Hello, lovelies! Welcome to Gender Studies 101. I’m Professor Tina and today, we’ll be seeing all the meanings enclosed in the term “gender.”


Nowadays, it’s common to see gender discussions on TV news. Moreover, you might be concerned about where all of these leave you.


Gender Studies 101 What Is Gender Really


So today, we are going to discuss all things that can be interpreted when the word “gender” comes out.


The different meanings and ramifications of the etymology. So, you will have all the tools available to find yourself under the umbrella (or not!).


Please take a seat; class is about to start.



1. An Ambiguous Word…

Gender Studies 101 What Is Gender Really


The reason for all the discussions that arise when gender is mentioned in any conversation is its ambiguous meaning.


I say ambiguous, for lack of a better word. You’ll understand why in no time.


This conflicting word encases many aspects that, generally, aren’t singled out during a conversation.


That’s why addressing gender is such a sensitive topic and can heat things with ease.


Biological sex, gender, gender expression, identity, and sexuality.


These are just some of the different concepts that are seemingly referred to with the same six letters.


So, let’s break it down into bits for a better analysis.


2. Biological Sex


Gender Studies 101 What Is Gender Really


Starting with the basics, biological sex refers to the gamete configuration in everyone’s DNA.


Generally, this trait manifests with the respective sexual genitalia.


An XY gamete configuration determines the female sex and an XX the male one.


These two extremes are not mutually exclusive. There are instances in nature where an intersex configuration appears.


The gamete configuration for this spectrum varies a lot. But it is documented in human beings.


Despite how scientists or thinkers view sex, it is something written in our genes at the time of conception.


Sex is a totally different concept from the gender that’s often used without distinction.


3. Cultural Gender or Gender Roles


Gender Studies 101 What Is Gender Really


Gender is how a person identifies. Be it woman, man, non-binary, trans, or the one you choose.


Gender as a standalone concept is a human-made construct.


In history, we can see many examples of how the roles and behaviors of the genders were changing.


Like an implicit set of rules, these constructs defined the general structure of societies.


Today, for instance, we relate the pink color with all things girly.


Over a century ago, pink was actually a boy’s color! It was a diluted hue of red, a color associated with forcefulness and blood.



On the other hand, blue (alluding to calm and serenity) was a girlish color.


The same way goes for many other aspects of life that change throughout history.


Gender roles define a set of “proper” behaviors and dress etiquette.


4. Gender Identity


Gender Studies 101 What Is Gender Really


With the previous concept of gender, we can define what gender identity is.


Gender identity is how a person refers to himself. There are an infinite amount of possibilities under this umbrella.


How you perceive yourself has nothing to do with your assigned gender at birth. Your biological sex, that is.


Being transgender means not feeling comfortable with the roles and stereotypes you are supposed to follow based on your sex.


But in a wholesome manner. Where you are in this spectrum is a thing that only you can answer.


Don’t worry if you don’t have it figured out!


As we have seen, thinkers, philosophers, and societies have been trying and failing for a long time!


You decide on however you feel most comfortable carrying out your life!


5. Gender Expression or Presentation


Gender Studies 101 What Is Gender Really


Gender expression refers to the mannerisms, and clothes, pronouns adopted by a person.


It doesn’t have to match their gender identity. Gender expression refers mainly to the role the person assumes when in the presence of others.


We know very well that there are a plethora of reasons why this may not match.


The way a person acts or dresses is part of their gender expression. Then again, a different concept than the previous one.


A biological man can express or dress in a feminine manner but still perceive himself as a man.


6. Sexuality or Attraction


Gender Studies 101 What Is Gender Really


The last idea that can get tangled up with the idea of gender is sexuality.


And yes, the accepted sexual standards of societies have also changed through the course of history.


Sexual attraction has to do with what gender expression arouses you.


In short, for whom you feel sexually attracted.


As we have seen before with the gender definition, sexual attraction also opens up an umbrella of possibilities.


There are many different terms to encase specific scenarios.


If you are wondering how many there are, I dare you to search on your web browser and find out for yourself.


But wait! Not before reading and commenting below on this article!


7. Gender in Grammar


Gender Studies 101 What Is Gender Really


Last but not least, there is another definition of gender that has little to do with everything we have discussed.


If you are a bookworm like me, you know well that gender is a descriptive aspect of a noun.


It defines the pronouns that are appropriate for writing.


Even though it feels like we are assigning gender to objects, this relation is completely random in different languages.


In fact, it can even vary within the same language across different local dialects.




These are the most common concepts that are globally encased under the word gender.


Funny enough, it not only describes a rainbow of identities and expressions but also a lot of ideas!


I hope that I have helped clear out some common misconceptions.


Now, you may be a little closer to finding your place within the spectrum!


Take your time and know that only you can decide what will make you happy.


So keep working towards that goal, and be patient! Take care of yourselves, all of you!




Written by Tina Munova

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