15 Popular Hair Removal Mistakes Crossdressers & Transgenders Should Totally Avoid


Hello, my friends, I feel you. I know how important it is for crossdressers & transgenders to keep the hair all over our bodies clean and maintained to embrace that feminine look we desire. That being said, we should always practice safe and accurate hair removal measures to keep our bodies smooth and injury-free.


Hair Removal Mistakes Crossdressers&Transgenders Should Totally Avoid


If you’re a beginner in removing your body hair, I got you! I have had several experiences.


Let me share some common hair removal mistakes you should look out for.


These mistakes include neglecting after-care, using the wrong device, and more!




Get hooked with this blog and discover more about practices you should totally avoid to experience the best hair-removal experience and enhance your feminity!



Men Vs. Women: Hair Removal Techniques


Firstly, men and women have body hair.


Both genders are allowed different ways of hair removal, including shaving, waxing, trimming, laser, and electrolysis.


However, women can also use tweezers for thinner and unwanted hair.


Tweezers will certainly not work with us men because our hairs are thicker.




When it comes to using depilatory creams, let me tell you one important thing: never use the creams or gels of your women friends or family members!


They are certainly different from ours.


It’s a fact that we sweat more, so we need products specifically tailored to control our sweat and oil production, especially when the weather is hotter.




One of the common ways of removing our hair is shaving, and personally, one of my favorite home-based removal methods.


If you shave or are planning to shave your hair out, keep the lookout for these mistakes.


1. Dry Shaving


Hair Removal Mistakes Crossdressers&Transgenders Should Totally Avoid


If you’re itching to shave but don’t have a shaving cream with you, don’t attempt to go dry shaving!


According to my dermatologist, this can cause more skin irritation, nicks, and even razor burns!


When you dry shave, you are creating more friction with your skin, which can also cause bumps and skin redness.




Remember, you should use good shaving cream to lube up the area where you’ll remove hair.


The cream will let your razor blade smoothly glide over your skin so that you won’t feel any scratch or pain.




◆ Good Shaving Cream


Good shaving cream should have the right ingredients, such as Vitamin E, aloe vera, or shea butter, to help soothe your skin.


Personally, because I have sensitive skin, I often choose one with aloe vera because of its perfect antiseptic properties that can prevent irritation.




You must also choose one with excellent lubricity with a thick lather to enhance the shaving ability of your razor.


2. Improper Razor Storage


Hair Removal Mistakes Crossdressers&Transgenders Should Totally Avoid


It took me several razor replacements before I realized that my razors become dull faster because I don’t properly store them after use.


I often leave my razor in the bathroom after shaving, and you should certainly not imitate this.




When you store your razors in the bathroom, it leads to faster corrosion and weakening of their blades.


I learned that our razors should be kept dry and clean outside of the shower so that they will last longer.


3. Shaving Early in the morning


Hair Removal Mistakes Crossdressers&Transgenders Should Totally Avoid


If you are used to shaving right after your morning shower to save you more time, you need to change that habit right now!


When you shave in the morning, it won’t guarantee a smoother shave than shaving in the evening.


This is because when you sleep, your legs will slightly swell, hiding some parts where your hair is.


4. Not Exfoliating Before Shaving


Hair Removal Mistakes Crossdressers&Transgenders Should Totally Avoid


Right before shaving, you must never forget to exfoliate if you desire smoother results.


Exfoliating regularly can also help prevent getting ingrown hairs, which can lead to irritation and bumps on your skin.


◆ Good Exfoliating Cream


When looking for a good exfoliating cream, I suggest finding one with the following ingredients:


  • Lactic acid for sensitive skin.


  • Salicylic acid if you have oily skin.


Good exfoliating cream should also not be too harsh on your skin but can properly remove dead skin cells to make your skin smoother and younger-looking.


5. Neglecting to Follow The Hair Growth Direction


Hair Removal Mistakes Crossdressers&Transgenders Should Totally Avoid


The way you shave will affect your skin. Always shave according to your hair growth direction, and avoid razor bumps.


This mistake was something I learned after experiencing several itchy razor bumps, and they weren’t pretty!




Another popular hair removal method for crossdressers is waxing, especially for people with high pain tolerance.


Check out these common waxing mistakes you should steer away from.


6. Waxing The Wrong Hair Length


Hair Removal Mistakes Crossdressers&Transgenders Should Totally Avoid


Remember that waxing will only be effective when it’s the right hair length.


A waxing salon I went to suggests a quarter of an inch is the ideal length. Anything shorter or longer can be painful and less effective.




If your hair is too long, I suggest trimming it slightly, but don’t over-trim! If you’re going to a waxing salon, let them take care of the trimming.


7. Taking Accutane While Waxing


Hair Removal Mistakes Crossdressers&Transgenders Should Totally Avoid


This hair removal mistake is for the transgender or crossdresser out there who has sensitive and acne-prone skin.


If you take Accutane for your pimples, stop using it at least seven days before your waxing session.




A side effect of this medicine is making your skin more fragile; failing to stop taking this before your session can lead to parts of your skin getting removed as you wax.


However, if you don’t want to stop taking Accutane, I suggest using a different hair removal method.


8. Neglecting to Wear Sunscreen Post-waxing


Hair Removal Mistakes Crossdressers&Transgenders Should Totally Avoid


Even after waxing, you must still protect your skin, especially since it’s more sensitive.


Don’t skip your sunscreen post-waxing!


Neglecting to wear your sunscreen can lead to hyperpigmentation and skin burns; they are certainly not pleasing to the eye when you crossdress!


◆ Good Sunscreen


If you are unsure of what sunscreen to use, check out my tried and tested tips and hacks:


  • Choose a lotion-based, water-resistant, hypo-allergenic, and broad-spectrum product.


  • It should have SPF 15 but lower than SPF 50.


  • Mineral-based sunscreens with zinc oxides or titanium dioxide better protect your skin from UV rays.


9. Exfoliating Directly After Waxing


Hair Removal Mistakes Crossdressers&Transgenders Should Totally Avoid


While we know it’s important to exfoliate, remember to do this at least two days after waxing.


It’s safer, less painful, and will prevent skin redness and irritation risks.


10. Waxing Too Frequently


Hair Removal Mistakes Crossdressers&Transgenders Should Totally Avoid


If you’re always tempted to wax at the sight of new hair, fight the urge!


Wait at least four weeks before your next session for the wax to have enough amount and appropriate hair length to grab.


If you frequently wax, your skin might end up becoming too rough and getting unwanted cuts and nicks.




One of the expensive hair removal methods (but definitely my favorite), laser hair removal, also has wrong practices that you should note.


11. Expecting Permanent Removal of Hair


Hair Removal Mistakes Crossdressers&Transgenders Should Totally Avoid


I also believed in this popular myth, not until my dermatologist explained that it’s apparently not true.


She told me that even though the laser provides longer-lasting results than other techniques, it will not permanently remove all our hair.




You have to be consistent with your sessions and treatments to achieve the desired results and keep your skin soothing and smooth.


12. Not Choosing The Appropriate Device For Your Skin Type


Hair Removal Mistakes Crossdressers&Transgenders Should Totally Avoid


One thing to know about lasers: not all devices work for everyone.


If a device uses diode laser technology, it won’t work if you have a darker skin complexion.


What can work for you are IPL machines, which are effective hair removal technologies for all skin types.


13. Failing to Shave Before Treatment Proper


Hair Removal Mistakes Crossdressers&Transgenders Should Totally Avoid


I know it may be a hassle, but shaving or trimming your hair before the laser session is a must!


Doing this ensures that your hairs are of appropriate length for laser removal.


Avoid waxing because it pulls out your hair follicles.


Laser technology needs the hair follicles because it targets them and kills them.


14. Not Avoiding The Sun


Similar to post-waxing, avoiding the sun is also essential to post-laser hair removal because this method involves burning your hair follicles.


If you are directly exposed to the sun after your session, it can lead to skin scarring, hyperpigmentation, and burning.


Hair Removal Mistakes Crossdressers&Transgenders Should Totally Avoid


I try to avoid the sun at least two weeks before and after my laser treatment.


If I need to go out, I remember to put my broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30, ensuring that my skin is protected and safe from any pigmentation.


15. Forgetting After-Care


Even though laser hair removal is painless and non-invasive, you still need to note its after-care rules. Such rules include the following:


  • Applying sunscreen when you go out or totally avoiding the sun when you can.


  • Avoid hot showers, saunas, and steam rooms, which can cause skin irritation and burns, especially when you have sensitive skin.


Religiously Avoid These Common Hair Removal Mistakes


There you have it, the popular hair removal mistakes you should never dream of doing!


As for me, the number one mistake I often commit is forgetting after-care, especially when I’m in a hurry.




We all know that complete hair removal is essential for crossdressers/transgender women, especially when we crossdress.


It helps us be more comfortable when wearing our silicone masks, bodysuits, and breast forms.




Remember the sins of hair removal I have mentioned above, and always stand tall and look proud!


Have you experienced any of the mistakes above? Let me know all about it by commenting down below!

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