Hiding Your Adam’s Apple During Summer


Your Adam’s apple is one of the most defining features of your masculinity. People will notice that you’re a cross-dresser as soon as they see it. Most of our sisters know how to hide it with clothing and other tricks. But during summer, things are different due to weather and other circumstances. And because of that, some of us get lost and don’t know what to do.


Hiding Your Adam’s Apple During Summer


This article was written, so I could teach you what to do with your Adam’s apple during summer. You might benefit from chokers, light makeup, and silicone prosthetics. But voice training also brings some benefits if you do it right. I hope to help you figure out which alternative is better for you, so feel free to read through them.



1. Why is it more difficult during summer?


Hiding Your Adam’s Apple During Summer


As I’ve said before, it’s easy to hide our Adam’s apple with conventional tricks. We tend to cover it with scarves or outfits with long necks. But they are better suited for cold climates and seasons such as winter and autumn. As for summer, it’s more difficult to wear and endure this kind of stuff. Besides that, people wear less clothing during summer in general. As such, we need to find alternatives that allow us to hide our Adam’s apple in plain sight.


Hiding Your Adam’s Apple During Summer


The problem is that it might be pretty challenging to hide it depending on your body type. If you’re a bit chubby, your apple will be more difficult to notice, while it’s more prominent in skinnier men. The thing is that many of us do some workout to look slender in summer, and it may cause our adam’s apple to appear. We must be careful not to make it too obvious, which takes us to the following topics in this article. I’ll talk about some tricks that can help you with that.


2. Chokers


Hiding Your Adam’s Apple During Summer


I like to use chokers to hide my adam’s apple since it is popular nowadays. They were made famous by the gothic style, but many others have since incorporated this garment. Because of that, you may find chokers of many different sizes and colors suited for many different individuals. For cross-dressing purposes, the premise is simple. You must try to find one that is big enough to cover your Adam’s apple. The apple itself is often small, but it moves up and down while we talk. So one about three inches tall shall be necessary. In terms of color, I recommend you choose something dark to make the whole area look small. It also helps to conceal any rough spots and saliences. For this exact purpose, aim for opaque materials instead of something more reflective. A good option is velvet or leather choker instead of others made of satin or silk.


3. Light makeup


Hiding Your Adam’s Apple During Summer


You can use makeup to make most of your masculine features less apparent, and it also applies to your Adam’s apple. The goal here is to darken the region, making it either blend in or look smaller. This way, you should aim at contouring the area with foundation and concealer, preferably two tones darker than your skin color. It’s more about the visuals here, as this trick will make any protrusions in the area harder to notice.


Hiding Your Adam’s Apple During Summer


Regardless of climate, this method is pretty compelling. Since it won’t have an impact on your endurance, it’s perfect for summertime, although I still have a few reservations. First, you should avoid bright makeup, as it reflects too much sunlight during summer. Such reflection draws too much attention to the area, besides making it obvious that you’re using makeup there. Try something opaque and more discreet instead. Another thing worth mentioning is that summer is usually a synonym for beach or pool parties. So if you choose this method, be prepared to use waterproof makeup.


4. Silicone breast forms


Hiding Your Adam’s Apple During Summer


When we think of summer as cross-dressers, we worry a lot about cleavage as well. So why not solve two problems at the same time? Silicone breast forms may help you achieve a convincing cleavage in time for summer and hide your adam’s apple as a bonus. These are made of high-quality silicone that looks a lot like real skin. The effect is almost seamless and will help you look much more feminine. To achieve that, most models have a neckpiece that covers your whole neck, hiding your apple in the process. For summer, simple breastplates with built-in necks are recommended. But if you want to wear a bikini for a beach party, try a complete bodysuit. These are more difficult to use in warmer climates but allow you to use something more revealing. So if you want to cause an impression this summer while keeping your Adam’s apple well hidden, this might be the solution for you.


5. Practice your voice


Hiding Your Adam’s Apple During Summer


Learning how to hide your Adam’s apple and training your feminine voice are close subjects. Raising your voice pitch to feminine levels often requires you to pull up your adam’s apple and tighten your vocal cords. It’s a movement similar to swallowing, and your Adam’s apple is less visible while you do that. Before summer comes, make sure you do some voice training, as this practice may help you get used to hiding your adam’s apple. As a result, you won’t get a sore throat from doing so. Just remember to keep yourself hydrated, drinking water as often as possible. Keeping your throat moisturized is essential to carry on with this technique, and summer requires you to drink more as well.


When summer comes, many difficulties appear for our sisters. It may be the most difficult season to dress up since it’s more difficult for us to hide our more masculine features. Since the climate makes it impossible for us to rely on concealing everything with clothing, we must get creative. Some alternative methods consist in using makeup, chockers, or even elaborate silicone prosthetics. But you may opt to go with something more natural if you practice voice feminization exercises. How do you plan on concealing your Adam’s apple this summer? Make sure to tell us in the comments!




Which of these methods is better suited for summertime?


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