How to Stay Safe and Avoid Discrimination When Traveling


As an MTF crossdresser, you may enjoy dressing up and going out in public. However, it’s important to stay safe when traveling, especially if you’re not familiar with the area.


1-How to stay safe and avoid discrimination when traveling


When traveling, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions to stay safe. For most of us, this means remaining extra vigilant in order to avoid discrimination or violence. It includes dressing conservatively and not calling attention to ourselves.



1. Educate yourself on the basics of safe crossdressing


2-How to stay safe and avoid discrimination when traveling


The world of crossdressing can be a dangerous place if you’re not careful. There are plenty of pitfalls that can trip up even the most experienced MTF crossdresser like myself, so it’s important to educate yourself on the basics of safe crossdressing. Below are some tips on how to go about this:


3-How to stay safe and avoid discrimination when traveling


1. Don’t go out in public until you’re comfortable in the new place


It’s important to feel comfortable in your own skin before crossdressing in your new destination. Take your time practicing your makeup application and hair styling, and don’t hesitate to ask for help from friends or professionals if you need it. Once you’re happy with your appearance, choose a safe place to go out in public, like a quiet park or an empty street.


2. Dress modestly to avoid attracting unwanted attention


When you’re in a new environment, it can be tempting to want to show off your new femininity with skimpy clothing. However, this can often attract unwanted attention from men who may see you as an easy target. Instead, dress modestly in clothes that make you feel good about yourself and that won’t draw too much attention to your body.


4-How to stay safe and avoid discrimination when traveling


3. Be aware of your surroundings always


Unfortunately, some people might want to take advantage of you if they find you vunerable. They think they can get away with it. If you’re ever in a situation where you feel unsafe, remove yourself from the situation as quickly as possible and call for help if necessary.


4. Have a plan for dealing with discrimination


Not everyone is accepting of crossdresser queens. If you’re worried about how you’ll be treated by others in a new place, it’s important to have a plan for dealing with discrimination. Whether that means finding a supportive group of friends or learning how to stand up for yourself, make sure you know what to do if someone tries to put you down because of your appearance. Go for the best approach that wouldn’t result to using force.


5-How to stay safe and avoid discrimination when traveling


5. Seeking help


For some of us, crossdressing can be more than just a way to express ourselves. If you’re struggling in your environment after traveling, you should always seek help, and that is knowing whom to call if you’re ever in trouble.


2. Don’t disclose your identity to strangers


6-How to stay safe and avoid discrimination when traveling


As MTF crossdressers, we must be careful about whom we tell about our crossdressing hobby when we travel. While there are many people who are accepting and supportive of us, there are also those who may not be so understanding. In order to stay safe, it’s important that we don’t disclose our identity to strangers.


Not everyone will be accepting or understanding. There are people who may react negatively or even violently if they find out that we are crossdressers. It’s not worth risking our safety by disclosing our feminine side to someone who may not be supportive.


7-How to stay safe and avoid discrimination when traveling


If you do choose to disclose your identity to someone when traveling, make sure that you trust them and that they are someone whom you know will be supportive. Disclosing your identity is a personal decision, and you should only do so if you feel comfortable and safe doing so. Remember, you have the right to keep your business private, and you don’t owe anyone an explanation of your choices. Stay safe and be true to yourself.


3. Carry pepper spray for self-defense


8-How to stay safe and avoid discrimination when traveling


As MTF crossdressers, we can’t be too sure about what is going to happen next. To stay safe, we need to be prepared with self-defense tools like pepper spray.


Carrying pepper spray with you can help you defend yourself if you are attacked while traveling. Make sure to get a good quality pepper spray that is easy to use. Practice using it, so you know how to use it in an emergency.


9-How to stay safe and avoid discrimination when traveling


Be aware of your surroundings and trust your instincts. If you feel like someone is following you or making you feel uncomfortable, get away from the situation as quickly as possible.


If you are ever attacked, try to stay calm and remember that your goal is to get away safely. Fight back only if necessary, but always keep in mind that your safety is the most important thing.


4. Avoid dressing in a way that could lead to discrimination


10-How to stay safe and avoid discrimination when traveling


While we have the freedom to dress in whichever way we like, as MTF crossdressers, sometimes we need to be mindful of how our clothing choices could lead to discrimination or harassment when we travel to a new environment. It’s important to be aware of the possible consequences of our fashion choices and to dress in a way that won’t put us at risk of experiencing negative treatment from others.


One way to avoid dressing in a way that could lead to discrimination or harassment is to steer clear of gendered clothing items. Instead, opt for gender-neutral or androgynous clothing items that won’t draw attention to your femininity in the new environment until you’ve learned about their culture.


11-How to stay safe and avoid discrimination when traveling


Another way to avoid dressing in a way that could lead to discrimination or harassment is to dress modestly while in the new environment. This means avoiding clothing that is overly revealing or suggestive. It’s important to remember that, as MTF crossdressers, we are sometimes held to a higher standard of modesty.


Lastly, avoid dressing in a way that could make you a target for hate crimes. For example, if you travel to an area where there is a lot of bigotry against the LGBTQIA+ community, consider avoiding clothing that shows you as crossdresser or transgender. While you shouldn’t have to hide your identity to stay safe, sometimes it’s necessary to be aware of the potential dangers of flaunting your sexuality in certain environments.


12-How to stay safe and avoid discrimination when traveling


Although there are no hard and fast rules for how to dress as an MTF crossdresser, being aware of the possible consequences of our clothing choices is important. By dressing modestly and avoiding gendered clothing items, we can help to reduce the risk of discrimination or harassment in these new environments after traveling. And, by being mindful of the potential dangers we could face in certain environments, we can help to keep ourselves safe.


5. Plan your trips carefully and be aware of your surroundings


13-How to stay safe and avoid discrimination when traveling


When traveling as closet queens, it is important to plan your trip carefully and be aware of your surroundings. Unfortunately, discrimination against crossdressers is still common in many parts of the world.


14-How to stay safe and avoid discrimination when traveling


-Stick to safe, well-lit areas.


-Avoid traveling alone if possible.


-Dress conservatively and avoid drawing attention to yourself.


-Check your surroundings at all times, and don’t hesitate to leave if you feel unsafe.


6. Connect with other transgender people for support and advice


15-How to stay safe and avoid discrimination when traveling


There are countless resources, both online and offline, to help you find others who understand what you’re going through.


If you’re ever feeling alone or unsupported while in a new area, remember that there are more than enough people out there who care about you and want to help you live your best life. Seek out those people and resources, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.


So, as an MTF crossdresser, it’s important to be aware of the dangers and do your best to avoid them when traveling. When planning to travel, we always have a few extra things to think about. But with a bit of caution, we can all enjoy our travels without fear of discrimination or violence.

Have you had any scary experiences while traveling as an MTF crossdresser? What tips would you add for staying safe while abroad? Let us know in the comments below!

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