The Importance of Pride Month for Cross-Dressers

06/15/2022 - BY rachel

Pride month is close. The whole LGBTQ community has something to celebrate, which brings a feeling of belonging to us.


But some of us, as cross-dressers, may feel like we aren’t part of it.


This exclusion leads us to believe we are alone, and this feeling can be quite discouraging.


But it does not have to be like that by any means.


The Importance of Pride Month for Cross-Dressers


Cross-dressers have different goals, as each one is unique.


But many of us may be part of the LGBTQ community.


It is important to acknowledge that to feel like we belong in these celebrations.


This article will explain why and how Pride Month is important to us. So stay tuned for a better understanding!



1. Bringing visibility


The Importance of Pride Month for Cross-Dressers


We all have heard of the LGBTQ days of visibility and such.


This kind of holiday exists to acknowledge and validate the existence of many members of the LGBTQ community.


However, with the ever-growing range of our community, it isn’t easy to have a day for each letter.


That’s because these celebrations require a lot of bureaucracy and take time to be implemented.


With that in mind, we have pride month to celebrate the diversity of sexuality and gender identities as a whole.


It includes all the identities we still haven’t got a particular date to celebrate.


And this way, it allows other minorities to feel like part of something bigger.


The Importance of Pride Month for Cross-Dressers


The whole point is to promote visibility for those who may not feel included yet.


It shows that the LGBTQ community is open and supportive of its members.


In short, we can assume visibility is the first step in our fight for rights, which makes pride month so important for our community.


2. The feeling of belonging


The Importance of Pride Month for Cross-Dressers


Feeling alone is one of the worst things our sisters go through daily.


We know that reality is harsh for us and that discrimination is a constant part of our lives.


In many cases, some of us even have to hide who we are from everybody else so only they know who we are on the inside.


This kind of feeling is quite destructive and does a lot of damage to your self-esteem.


Not sharing it with someone else, in the long term, can cause you to become depressed and feel even more lonely.


And that’s why it’s so important to feel like you’re part of something else.


Something bigger than those bad feelings. Part of a community.


The Importance of Pride Month for Cross-Dressers


For most of us, it starts online, with cross-dressers joining forums and blogs to discuss their feminine side.


We talk about everything we have in common, give each other tips, and learn as a group.


But pride month allows us to do much more than that.


It connects you not only to other cross-dressers but to other minorities as well.


Soon, you’ll see yourself in the middle of the LGBTQ movement as a whole.


This feeling of belonging shall help you deal with other problems and concerns you’ll face as a cross-dresser.


And you might have much more in common with the community than you thought.


3. Do Cross-dressers belong in it?


The Importance of Pride Month for Cross-Dressers


So that’s the main question. Do we, as Cross-dressers, belong in these celebrations?


And my answer is yet another question: Why wouldn’t we?


You see, my first point here is that Pride Month celebrates the LGBTQ community as a whole.


Therefore, It is inclusive and respects every sexuality and gender identity.


If you cross-dress, then you’re breaking gender normative standards of clothing, being passable or not.


You are leaving behind the restraints of gender roles to express your identity accurately, which makes you Queer at the very least.


This is mostly true for cross-dressers who dress up for non-sexual purposes.


The Importance of Pride Month for Cross-Dressers


But even if that’s the case, it’s still possible to consider yourself an ally of the LGBTQ cause and join their fight for rights.


But then again, it’s more of an identitarian matter, so don’t feel like you’re under pressure here.


You don’t have to participate in Pride Month if you don’t want to.


That might be the case for closeted cross-dressers or those who see it as a hobby rather than part of their identity.


But my point is that joining Pride may help you deal with hard feelings caused by loneliness.


4. Why is it important to us?


The Importance of Pride Month for Cross-Dressers


Even though society is now more receptive to the LGBTQ community, discrimination still occurs.


In many countries, it’s still illegal to be trans or even gay.


The dark ages of prejudice and discrimination left a significant mark on modern society.


Because of that, cross-dressing is still taboo, and some may feel afraid or guilty after dressing up.


And it has to end sooner or later. By taking part in pride month, we cross-dressers are helping to build a better world, not only for ourselves.


But for the future generations of cross-dressers as well.


A world in which we can dress up in whatever outfits we like without being afraid of backlash.


Together, we can fight for love, respect, and the right to be ourselves.


Pride month may be a good way to start, hence its importance.




LGBTQ holidays are becoming more popular every year.


They bring awareness about the things we suffer and what still needs to be done.


But it also acknowledges and validates our existence.


Pride month is dedicated to the whole LGBTQ community, and cross-dressers are more than welcome to be part of it.


It is a way of feeling valid and less lonely in a way that makes reality something we can bear.


And in the long run, we’ll be building a better world with less discrimination and more love.


What do you think about it? Do you have any plans for Pride Month?


And do you feel like you, as a cross-dresser, belong in it? Please let us know! Leave a comment!






What is the most important part of Pride for us?


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