The Importance Of Sharing Your Crossdressing


How are you all doing, lovelies?! For today’s article, I decided to write about something very important in the life of everyone: sharing. We are social creatures and we can’t overlook that part of us. But sharing something so special like your crossdressing can be difficult. That’s why I think you should read this!


The Importance Of Sharing Your Crossdressing


Repressing feelings and thoughts is not a healthy thing to do. Having people around with whom you can relieve tension and talk about anything that is on your mind is essential. Crossdressing is no exception to this rule! So join me in this article and let’s discover together why it is so important to share it too!



Meeting Like-Minded People


The Importance Of Sharing Your Crossdressing


Let’s start with something pretty basic, meeting people that love the same things you do. One of the most positive aspects of opening up and sharing your crossdressing is having people talk about it. Personalized makeup and fashion tips, ask for advice, or even borrowing clothes, we all need someone to be there! And not only we are feeling down, but our happiness also needs to be shared to exalt it to another level. Like I said before, we are social creatures and that is something we can’t deny. This aspect played an essential role in our evolution and survival and plays one as important in our mental health too. Sharing things with others also helps to keep some behaviors from getting out of hand. Sharing and interacting with others also opens up new ways of thinking and the possibility of new experiences!


Strength in Numbers


The Importance Of Sharing Your Crossdressing


I don’t want to preach to the choir here, but as you may know, the world is still pretty dangerous for crossdressers in most parts. Gathering forces is something we should all seek not only to make Earth a better place but also essential to our survival. So, sticking together as a community becomes of vital importance. Throughout the years not crossdressing, trans, and non-binary folks have suffered discrimination and unfair prosecution.


The Importance Of Sharing Your Crossdressing


A lot of that mentality remains today in some societies which makes it difficult to traverse a “normal” life. This includes but is not restricted to walking the streets safely. We must aspire to the creation of institutions that allow for the proper development of all individuals celebrating all our uniqueness. The only way to do this is to gather our forces and work together towards the same goal.


Sometimes We Only Need Someone to Talk to


The Importance Of Sharing Your Crossdressing


In this crazy world, we all live in it is normal to have a bad day or two. At times when it becomes hard to see the light through the mist, having someone to talk to about the things on your mind can be eye-opening. But don’t lower your guard though! Meeting people online requires being extra careful with taking everything too seriously. There are, however, lots of places where you can chat and talk about your feeling and thoughts in a safe environment. I wrote about some websites you can do this here in this link. The reason why I say sometimes all we need is an understanding ear that is willing to hear us moan is the same we listen to sad music whenever we are feeling down. Knowing that someone understands us even in our lows or has been through the same makes us feel less alone in this world.


Happiness Is Only True When Shared


The Importance Of Sharing Your Crossdressing


If this title sounds familiar, perhaps you’ve seen “Into the Wild” or read the book the film is based on. Despite the plot of that movie having nothing to do with the LGBTQ+ history or culture, I believe that phrase sums up the point that I’m trying to address. This social aspect of humanity kind of forces us to interact with others to fully develop our inner potential.


The Importance Of Sharing Your Crossdressing


We also have a lot of examples in history of prosecution because of race, sexuality, gender, or any other kind of freedom of expression you can think of. If there is anything to learn from human history is that in the face of every imaginable adversity, we only gain rights and visibility when we stand together. So this is a call for everyone to take a part either in their local community when they are ready or through the internet remembering every precaution possible.


The Importance Of Sharing Your Crossdressing


So that is all for today! I hope this post has inspired you to get more involved with this lovely and amazing worldwide community that we are part of. Even if it is only to lend an ear to someone in distress. Sisters of the community unite and let’s raise our voice! Take very good care of yourselves and keep an eye out for a sister in need! We have all been there! See you soon!

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