Workout Routine for Crossdressers Looking for a Bikini Body

03/17/2022 - BY rachel

Everybody wants to look their best and flaunt their body in the summertime. When everyone’s having fun at the beach or near a pool, enjoying the days under the heat of the sun. We’ll see here a series of exercises to sculpt your body.


Workout Routine for Crossdressers Looking for a Bikini Body


A bikini body is not easy to achieve, it requires compromise and discipline. You can’t achieve a bubble butt or lose 10 pounds overnight. We are going to talk about the importance of doing cardio and abs to improve your silhouette.


If you put your mind and body to it, you can not only achieve a sexy-looking body but also improve your lifestyle and health. This workout focuses on the midsection of your body. If you are ready to sweat, keep reading and discover my bikini body routine!



1. Cardio


Workout Routine for Crossdressers Looking for a Bikini Body


Doing cardio is an essential part of every training routine. It helps develop not only your pulmonary capacity but also burns some calories and any fatty tissue. Besides losing some weight, you can achieve a fit-looking body without any rolls getting in the way of showing your abs.


Cardio can be done in a multiplicity of ways and you should look at the one that you like the most. This will help you keep engaged in your training sessions and enjoy them.


Running, cycling, and swimming all are great examples of ways you can do some cardio. If you feel any pain or whatsoever in your knees while running, you should stop at once and replace it with another exercise like cycling to avoid impactful movements. From thirty to forty minutes of cardio, every day is a great starting point.


2. Air Bike Crunches


Workout Routine for Crossdressers Looking for a Bikini Body


Now that all your muscles are warmed up, it’s time to move on with the core section of your body. This exercises the whole abdominal section, not only burning fat but also creating some muscle to show off. To do this, you must lay on your back with your arms behind your head and your legs straight.


Start by raising one knee while trying to reach with the opposite elbow while holding your arms in place. Proper breathing helps this exercise to work its best. Exhale as you go up and inhale as you go down for maximizing its results. Repeat the process with the other knee and elbow and do thirty reps for each side, to begin with.




3. Ab Crunches


Workout Routine for Crossdressers Looking for a Bikini Body


Ab crunches are one of the best exercises for reinforcing the core part of your body. It is also easy to do them, probably you have done some in the past. To perform these correctly, lay on your back with your knees up in the air and your hands on your chest.


Exhale as you raise the upper part of your body until your abs are fully contracted, and then inhale as you slowly lower your back to the ground. Repeat this exercise twenty times.



4. Side Crunches


Workout Routine for Crossdressers Looking for a Bikini Body


Just like the previous exercise, this one is great for working your side abs. Side crunches isolate your oblique abs and help you achieve a thinner waist. To perform this exercise, lay on the ground with your knees stacked up at one side.


Place the hand on the same side of the oblique you are exercising behind your neck and the other one over your abs to feel them working. Once in position, squeeze your abs, raise your torso, and slowly lower it back down. Repeat this process twenty times for each side.



5. Side Leg Raises


Workout Routine for Crossdressers Looking for a Bikini Body


Also called side leg lifts, this exercise puts to work many muscles in your body from your lower back to your hamstrings. To do this exercise, you need to lie down on the floor with your body facing sideways. Once there, to maximize its effect, hold your chin close to your neck throughout the exercise.


With your legs stacked up to one side and straight, raise the one that’s on top until you form a forty-five-degree angle. Exhaling as you raise your leg and inhaling as you slowly lower it back down helps obtain better results. Repeat this twenty times for each leg. Switch sides once you are done with one.



6. Reverse Crunches


Workout Routine for Crossdressers Looking for a Bikini Body


This exercise is not only great for building up your core muscles but also helps in developing control and balance. To perform a reverse crunch lay on the ground with your back straight and place your hands behind your head.


Down on the floor, hold your legs up in the air. From this position, bend your knees at ninety degrees and lift your feet until your thighs are perpendicular to the floor. As you go up, keep control of your movements at all times and raise your hip along with the movement. Hold the position up for a second and lower your legs back in a controlled manner. Repeat this twenty times.



These exercises are presented as a set and to achieve better and faster results, you should start with two or three sets for each one. As you can see, this workout mainly focuses on the core part of your body.


If you liked this workout and want more to mold your hips, here and here are two great routines to achieve a bubble butt and sexy legs! I hope you find this routine helpful and inspire you to start exercising a bit more.


Workout Routine for Crossdressers Looking for a Bikini Body


Written by Tina Munova.

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