A Few Tips to Crossdress Easily Through the Week

07/21/2021 - BY Tania

Today we’re chatting about how to crossdress easily to get through a week.


Our weeks can be rough depending on what kind of thing we have to do daily (College stuff, work, appointments, school, etc.), leaving us with little time to do what we love: Crossdrerssing.


As crossdressing is an activity that usually requires a lot of practice to be done properly, not having enough time to practice, learn, and improve your skills can end up making you have a hard time dressing up, struggling to do makeup and put on shapewear, or even to wigs.


It might stress you out, leading you to quit crossdressing and abandon your beloved hobby.


The less time you have at your disposal, the harder it will be for you to keep crossdressing or enjoying it in general.


But don’t give up, there’s still hope for you and all our busy sisters out there!


In this article, I’ll bring up some tips to improve your experience and make it easier to crossdress through the week.


A Few Tips to Crossdress Easily Through the Week



1. Take a subtle time to learn


Whenever you are on your way to college, school, or work, on a bus, or taking an Uber, take your time to listen to makeup tutorials and videos about crossdressing!


To do so with some privacy, put on headphones and listen to these videos.


You can also hide the screen of your phone for better privacy, but it’s highly recommended that you properly watch it if you have enough privacy.


Sitting on the back of a bus, and using your backpack to guard the seat next to yours, is a good way to achieve that desired level of privacy.


If you really can’t risk people looking at your screen, there are at least a few ways to keep listening only to the audio: First, you could try YouTube Premium to watch videos there (Such as those on Roanyer’s YouTube channel) with sound, even with your screen locked.


If you want to watch videos from other platforms, download them and try some video players on your phone that keep playing the audio when the screen is locked as well.


In addition, you can try downloading videos as MP3 files, but they are going to be audio-only, and not very useful if you want to watch the whole video with images later.


A Few Tips to Crossdress Easily Through the Week


Reading from crossdressing forums over the web can also earn you some additional knowledge, and it’s also something very easy to do on your breaks, even while you go to the bathroom or right before bed.


Just keep in mind to “sneak” crossdressing-related knowledge into your daily routine in a way that fills those empty spaces.


It can be a little demanding, but it shouldn’t make you too tired if you do so properly.


The result is that you’ll be able to absorb a ton of knowledge about crossdressing methods and special techniques that might help you in your dress-up sessions by improving a wide range of your skills and making everything easier for you to do.


A Few Tips to Crossdress Easily Through the Week


2. Adapt your routine by fitting crossdressing into it


To improve your familiarity with things related to crossdressing, try to fit said things into your daily routine through the week, in a way that you are constantly in contact with them.


You could, for example, start wearing a very light amount of makeup every day, including some foundation, to hide a few imperfections or red spots in your skin, and use both lighteners and concealers to start practicing your contouring.


Even though a lipstick would be a very drastic change to your look, you could still practice by using a lip balm, with the benefit of keeping your lips moist and free from cracks.


To practice shapewear endurance, you could try sleeping with corsets or waist trainers on, but they shouldn’t be compressing you too much.


To avoid harming yourself, I recommend buying two sets of shapewear: one in your proper size, and another one or two sizes larger: Sleeping with the larger ones on for two or three days in a week might end up helping you to endure the others for a longer period during your crossdressing sessions, and you’ll also be practicing on how to properly put them on, resulting in you doing so relatively easier with time.


A Few Tips to Crossdress Easily Through the Week


Another tip related to that is to wear feminine undergarments during your day.


It helps you not only to build up confidence but also grants you the sensation of crossdressing during a bigger part of the day.


Panties are relatively easier to conceal if you decide to do that, especially if they are black or tan, or at least in the same color as your pants (or whatever is on top of them).


Bras can be a little harder to hide, but they increase the thrill and the advantages.


To minimize the appearance of the Bra through your shirt, choose a bra with a color that is close to your skin tone, and a dark-colored shirt made of a thicker type of fabric.


If you want to take things to another level, pantihose underneath your pants could work, but you should be extra careful for it not to slip or be damaged, so avoiding physical activities is recommended.


A Few Tips to Crossdress Easily Through the Week


3. Crossdress Easily-Incorporate Shaving into your life


Shaving is usually very great to improve your feeling of femininity and reduce body dysphoria, but some crossdressers are afraid of doing so because it can be quite time-consuming or raise suspicions about them.


Well, to avoid suspicions, you can simply say that you like the visual, or that someone you like said they find it to be attractive.


However, shaving is still quite time-consuming, especially if you want to shave not only your facial hair, but your arms and legs as well,  and it can reduce the amount of time available for you to dress up.


To avoid this drawback, try to incorporate shaving for good in your life, because shaving constantly not only reduces the amount of body hair you’ll need to get rid of, but it also makes you ready to crossdress whenever you want because you’ll be already shaved.


How you’ll manage to do this depends on how fast your body hair grows, but for most people, shaving twice a week while you shower should do the trick.




Written by Elise Wren

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