How Dancing Helps Crossdressers Become More Feminine?


Hello again, gals! How are you doing today? Having a hard time feminizing your movements and mannerisms? Don’t worry! I have the perfect solution for it! Dancing! In my years of experience, I realized how good it is to learn to dance for feminizing your movements. Whether you are comfortable dancing in public or are a shy gal, there are many reasons and ways to learn some moves!


How Dancing Helps Crossdressers Become More Feminine?


Dancing is a very powerful activity that not only has many health benefits. We can use all that energy and put it to good use and help us become more feminine each day. The best of it is that you can learn with tutorials on your own and go out once you feel comfortable outside!



What You Can Expect From Dancing


How Dancing Helps Crossdressers Become More Feminine?


Every MtF crossdresser loves all things feminine right? There is a special sensation when you feel that sensual and womanly energy flowing up and down your body. And very few activities can do both of these while helping you to internalize ladylike movements. While it is great to practice feminine mannerisms conventionally, it can be much more boring than shaking your booty! This fact must not be lightly overseen. You are more likely to practice something more regularly when you are having a blast! On top of that, dancing will help you stay in shape and increase your cardio capacity. Last but not least, learning some new moves will boost your confidence on the dancefloor and can impress your friends with them!


How Dancing Helps Crossdressers Become More Feminine?


Busting Your First Moves


How Dancing Helps Crossdressers Become More Feminine?


Hopefully, the last paragraph has inspired you to get off the couch and made you want to start dancing. So, the next question to ask is where to begin. Clearly, if you are not embarrassed to take up dancing classes at a nearby studio, it is clearly the best choice. You can start with a friend and meet tons of new people there. Maybe you will meet other crossdressing sisters there! A group activity is perfect to develop social skills and make new bonds with incredible people. But if you live in a rural area or are yet not comfortable facing a situation like this, don’t worry! We’ll always have the Internet! There are thousands of dancing classes of any style and tutorials to learn the steps of any song! And many of them are free! Just pick a song that inspires your inner woman and start shaking up that body!


How Dancing Helps Crossdressers Become More Feminine?


Dance to the Beat of You Girly Heart


How Dancing Helps Crossdressers Become More Feminine?


We all have our playlist full of girly tunes that make us want to shake our booty, am I right? Even if you don’t, there’s no doubt that there are some songs that trigger your femininity. It is time to get to work and make your ultimate girly playlist! From there you can start looking for choreography tutorials on YouTube for your favorite songs! Thanks to many artists and creators, this website is full of excellent material to get you started and inspired! Before you start your routine, make space in the room you are practicing so you don’t break anything or hurt yourself! Don’t put too much pressure on yourself if you can’t get a move down. Take a break and hydrate while you are at it! Take up on that after when you shake off your frustration. The point is to become more feminine while having fun!


How Dancing Helps Crossdressers Become More Feminine?


Which Dance Style Should You Learn?


How Dancing Helps Crossdressers Become More Feminine?


That’s entirely up to you and what you enjoy the most! But there are in fact, some styles that you can learn easier and see results much faster. Learning the choreographies of your favorite tunes will most likely incorporate dance steps from many different styles. Another advantage of learning this way is popularity, which translates to more and better quality content. The last thing I want to point out is that you won’t need much more than comfy clothes to follow this kind of tutorial. Of course, learning ballet or pole dancing would be great and you could do that online too, but you need more physical space in your house. Pro tip: pay attention to ALL the movements and mannerisms when you are dancing. It’s easy to forget to mimic facial expressions or other more subtle movements.


How Dancing Helps Crossdressers Become More Feminine?


Where Can You Start?


How Dancing Helps Crossdressers Become More Feminine?


Thanks to the change of paradigm that the COVID-19 pandemic imposed, many dancing studios and teachers started uploading videos and dancing classes online. Most, if not all websites that offer dancing lessons have a free trial period or lessons. Either way, if you don’t want to pay for classes online, I already mentioned YouTube is a great resource for dancing tutorials. Of course, you can always sign up for lessons at a dancing studio in your area. Up next, I’ll share with you some of the best YouTube channels to take up this healthy hobby and some great websites too. The only thing left to do is dress up in your workout outfit and rock that sexy body of yours!


How Dancing Helps Crossdressers Become More Feminine?


  • Pamela Reif warm-up dances: If you are a long-time reader of the blog, you may remember her from older posts. Even though she isn’t a dance teacher, you will find a lot of routines to warm up all your muscles before you start dancing. Warming up is a very important step in exercising to avoid getting hurt and helps your muscles perform better. Also, remember to stretch them when you are finished! Pamela also has many stretching videos uploaded on her channelthat are great to avoid the pain in your muscles after an intense workout!


How Dancing Helps Crossdressers Become More Feminine?


  • Tim Milgram dance tutorials: If you are up for some modern tunes, get ready to learn from some of the best in the area. Tim Milgram’s channelhas many dancing routines uploaded, and all of them are incredible! He’s a professional choreographer and you can watch many of his collaborations with great artists. Also, you can see how skillful his students are in their videos. And of course, there are a lot of step-by-step tutorials so you can learn his amazing choreographies!


How Dancing Helps Crossdressers Become More Feminine?


  • Steezy Studio: Enough of YouTube. I’m sure you can find the song’s steps for most of the songs you wish for pretty easily. Steezy Studio offers dancing classes online with different plans available to fit your budget. There are thousands of online classes, tutorials, programs, and more that you can get access to for as little as $20. If you are unsure of how wise it is to spend on this website, you can look for their free videos that I’m sure will be enough to get you hooked!


How Dancing Helps Crossdressers Become More Feminine?


  • Learn to Dance: Learn to Dance is another great website where you can find and access dance classes easily online. With many different dancing styles available so you can choose whichever suits your mood the best! This site has a paid option if you find yourself wanting more than just the free classes.


How Dancing Helps Crossdressers Become More Feminine?


  • DancePlug: The last site I want to talk about is DancePlug. Not online you will find some of the best dancing teachers here, but also can take your dancing to next level by auditioning! Just like both previous pages, they offer a free trial to see if it is of your liking. Whatever dance style you are looking to learn, this studio has videos on it. Time to get off the chair and start practicing your moves!



Art has a direct way to connect to our souls and energies. Dancing is no exception and you take advantage of its many benefits while becoming as feminine as you want! Let loose that fiery feminine energy within you and dance to the beat of your heart, girl! I hope I have inspired you to take on dancing lessons and express your spirit more freely! Take good care of yourselves! See you soon!

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