Fixing and Preventing Minor Makeup Mistakes: A Guide to Save Time and Money

06/16/2022 - BY rachel

Everyone makes mistakes. They are normal and occasionally occur, no matter how good you are at what you’re doing. Cross-dressers, for example, practice their entire lives and still make makeup mistakes sometimes. Such mistakes may ruin the feminization effects of our makeup if we don’t fix them. Excess makup will make your face look unnatural. Smudges, on the other hand, can ruin your facial symmetry, putting you far away from beauty standards.


Fixing and Preventing Minor Makeup Mistakes


However, there are still some tricks and tools that may help you prevent that. Micellar water and cotton swabs are extremely helpful. But you should develop patience and strategic thinking skills. If you’re interested in that, keep reading this article so you do your makeup with confidence.



1. Why you should try to fix minor mistakes


Fixing and Preventing Minor Makeup Mistakes


The short answer is that fixing these mistakes is more practical than redoing everything. If you’ve been cross-dressing for a while, you know that feminization makeup takes time to be done correctly. That’s because we use many different feminization techniques to look like a woman. It’s easy to get lost with so many techniques and end up making a mistake. In desperation, many of our sisters remove their entire makeup and start over again. But it means that they will have to do everything again, with no guarantee that no more mistakes will happen.


Fixing and Preventing Minor Makeup Mistakes


But if you choose to fix the mistakes with precision, you may avoid all of that extra effort. You must be careful not to ruin the rest of your makeup, but it is still a more straightforward thing to do. Besides that, you may fix most minor mistakes without interfering with the makeup you have already applied. Keep in mind that it saves you time and prevents you from running out of makeup too fast. The results will be satisfactory in most cases, making these quick fixes worth a shot.


2. What do you need?


Fixing and Preventing Minor Makeup Mistakes


Before you start your next cross-dressing session, keep in mind that you must have a few materials ready to help you out. I’m speaking of supplies that allow you to fix these minor mistakes without affecting the rest of your makeup. Precision and caution are things you need to consider, so here’s a list of valuable resources.


Micellar water


Fixing and Preventing Minor Makeup Mistakes


You need something to clear the area in which you made a mistake. Covering it with foundation is not enough, especially in the most common cases involving eyeliner and mascara. These mistakes may blend in or show through your foundation coat, creating a small yet noticeable dark area. To avoid that, you must eliminate any excess makeup in the area. Some people choose generic makeup removers, but they may not be as effective as you would like. Some oil-based removers can make a real mess and ruin your makeup. As such, I recommend you use micellar water to do the job.


Cotton swabs


Fixing and Preventing Minor Makeup Mistakes


Please, do not try to remove the mistake with your fingers or a big piece of cloth. You have almost no control over how much makeup you’re removing. If you do that, the chances are that you’ll remove way more makeup than you should or end up making even more mistakes. My advice is for you to use cotton swabs soaked in micellar water. They allow you more control and precision so that you can remove just the right amount of makeup. They are also pretty cheap, making it easy for you to maintain a stash.


Cotton balls


Fixing and Preventing Minor Makeup Mistakes


After cleaning up the mistake, you must make sure the area is dry. You need the surface to be like that if you want your makeup to stay in place after correcting the minor mistake. Leaving it to dry naturally may take some precious minutes and delay you even further. With that in mind, I recommend you use a dry cotton ball to rub any excess moisture gently. If you want, you can use cotton swabs for this purpose, but they absorb less water.


Color corrector


Fixing and Preventing Minor Makeup Mistakes


Even after taking so much care, it is still possible that the area you’ve cleaned looks a little darker. That is, when compared to the rest of your skin. Depending on how big your mistake was, it may show through your foundation. The bright side is that you may deal with it using a simple color corrector. You’re looking for a red or orange tone to cover the area and compensate for the dark bluish tones. After that, you can cover up the area with your foundation for an even finish.


3. Dealing with specific mistakes


Fixing and Preventing Minor Makeup Mistakes


There are a lot of possible minor mistakes that can happen while we apply our makeup. And some of them are more likely to happen to cross-dressers than to cisgender women. With that in mind, it is worth mentioning the ones which happen more frequently.


Foundation overload


Fixing and Preventing Minor Makeup Mistakes


Sometimes we exaggerate with foundation. It may end up looking too heavy and overdue, creating the impression of an unnaturally even face. Real people have many different tones on their faces, so you need to keep yours if you want a believable complexion. Keep in mind that too much foundation won’t make you look more feminine. It will instead make you look unnatural and dull. But how should you proceed if you make a mistake and apply too much of it?


Fixing and Preventing Minor Makeup Mistakes


Well, it’s nothing too serious that can’t be fixed. As applying foundation is one of the first steps of feminizing makeup, some of us remove it and start anew. But this is a serious waste of makeup. To fix that with little effort, add a little bit of moisturizer to your face, and rub it in a circular movement. You may use your fingertips or the palm of your hand, depending on the area you’re applying it. But take care, and avoid saturating your face with moisturizer, as it may ruin your makeup altogether. The idea here is to sheer out the makeup if your foundation looks too cakey. The goal is to make the different tones of your skin show a bit through it so the final results are more natural and believable.


Excess powder


Fixing and Preventing Minor Makeup Mistakes


The problem with too much powder is almost the same as with too much foundation, as it makes our complexion appear unnatural. But besides that, the excessive powder may look, well, too powdery and dusty. Cracks may appear, and some of the powder may fall off your face if you’re not careful. I mean that overuse of powder can be quite visible on your face and ruin your whole makeup like a cakey foundation. But as similar, as these two issues are, they should be dealt with in very different ways.


Fixing and Preventing Minor Makeup Mistakes


To simplify, I want to say that you cannot possibly “sheer” your powder with moisturizer or anything else. Attempts to do so might result in a bubble of accumulated powder residues that will not look good. Instead of this approach, try out something like a facial spray to recover part of your natural glow. It makes your skin look less artificial and prevents powder from cracking or falling apart.


Lipstick problems


Fixing and Preventing Minor Makeup Mistakes


These are much more common than you’d think. Feathering or flaky lipstick may ruin your day as a cross-dresser since much of our femininity is based on lip makeup. By feathering, I mean when lipstick starts to settle on the border of your lips, ruining the outline and smudging the makeup around it. The easy correction is by using a previously discussed method with a micellar-water-soaked cotton swab. Cover the borders with a little bit of foundation afterward, and you’re good to go. You may also avoid it from happening if you use a lip liner. That’s because the most renowned brands offer lip liners with anti-feathering properties. It guarantees that your lipstick stays in place.


Fixing and Preventing Minor Makeup Mistakes


As for flaky lipstick, I’m referring to cases in which dry lips cause the lipstick to appear like it’s cracking. It happens a lot, especially during dry seasons such as winter and autumn. The good thing is that the solution is fair simply and doesn’t require you to remove your lipstick. What you have to do is apply a thin layer of nourishing lip balm on top of it and finish with another layer of lip gloss. This combination will help to moisturize your lips and make them appear way more feminine and seductive. Yet another piece of advice is for you to keep using lip balm, to keep them well-hydrated and healthy, even if you’re not wearing any makeup.


Makeup mistakes happen all the time, even with our more experienced cross-dressing sisters. But how you deal with such mistakes is what sets you apart from amateurs. There are two main problems with removing your makeup and starting over. First, it takes a lot of your time, and second, it wastes makeup, which is a valuable resource for cross-dressing purposes. Because of that, it’s important to know how to fix and prevent minor mistakes without having to start anew. How do you usually deal with such issues? We would love to hear about your experience, so make sure you leave a comment!





Which of these items do you consider to be the most valuable for cross-dressers seeking to fix minor makeup mistakes?


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