Mastering A Convincing Feminine Voice For MTF Crossdressers in 6 Steps


Male and female voices, in general, tend to differ. The “pitch” of each group is the first selling point, with male voices sounding deeper and of lower frequencies than women’s voices. As crossdressers, our goal is to deliver a convincing feminine look and feminine voice.


Mastering A Convincing Feminine Voice For MTF Crossdressers in 6 Steps


If you don’t know where to start, don’t worry, I’ve got you!


I’ll be laying out the holy grail of feminizing your voice with easy-to-follow steps like getting your vocabulary right, working on your pitch, the right etiquette to follow, and how to transform your baritone into a smoother, softer melody.




Remember that your voice is a big part of your crossdressing experience.


So here are a few tricks to have up your sleeve when you next step into your garb.



1. Get the vocabulary right


Pay attention to the women around you, and you’ll soon realize that words truly have power.


It’s not only about finding the correct diction but how to deliver your speech.


Your voice is an equally crucial factor in selling the perfect illusion when you’re crossdressing.




Say you’re going out in public; you’ll want anyone who sees you to be able to put your face and voice together in a fitting way.


That means you have to work hard to be convincing.


Get Useful Tips from TV and Magazines:


When you watch your favorite shows on TV, focus on how the women there talk.


Mastering A Convincing Feminine Voice For MTF Crossdressers in 6 Steps


So listen attentively to develop your feminine lexicon.


You can even check out women’s magazines to get a taste of the general language used.


One of the most useful resources I relied on when working on my voice was the popular women’s magazine Cosmopolitan.


Add Details and Use Floral Language:


Mastering A Convincing Feminine Voice For MTF Crossdressers in 6 Steps


There are specific words you’ll have to add to your dictionary.


For example, when a man says, “That’s a cool dress she’s wearing,” women will tend to be a lot more elaborate.


Details like “she’s wearing a lavish flowing gown in a gorgeous shade of burgundy” matter.


Even where the bathrooms are concerned, where a woman might say “going to the loo,” men are more likely to use the term toilet.


2. Work on the pitch


When in doubt, go soft and slow.


Remember not to strain, though, as this will defeat the entire purpose of the practice.


But instead, just practice going as low as is comfortable for you.


Exercise Your Range


Mastering A Convincing Feminine Voice For MTF Crossdressers in 6 Steps


Experimenting with a “fluctuation” effect can also assist. Practice your sonorities as well.


A popular trip is to identify a specific individual you want to impersonate and study the way they speak.


Enunciate your Words


Mastering A Convincing Feminine Voice For MTF Crossdressers in 6 Steps


One thing I advise is to zoom into people’s behavior patterns, how they use their words, and the letters they’ll tend to draw out, like r and s, until you have mastered it, and you can remix it however you like.


Remember to Speak Softer


Mastering A Convincing Feminine Voice For MTF Crossdressers in 6 Steps


Soften up your throat by practicing your whispering voice.


This practice will help you engage the muscles you’ll need to use when summoning your feminine side.


Slowly raise your voice from there, and you’ll notice the difference.


You can also check out these vocal practices for crossdressers to help you achieve a more feminine voice.


Learn the Difference Between Squeaky and Sweet


Mastering A Convincing Feminine Voice For MTF Crossdressers in 6 Steps


Avoid adopting a fake squeaky, falsetto pitch, as this is usually more comical than accurate.


Work on making your voice range as dynamic as possible.


Women aren’t as monotonous and will often fluctuate between different volumes.




For example, when sounding excited, you might want to adopt a more animated, sing-song form, while a much softer, more sultry tone will be appropriate for calmer social settings.


This video covers some common mistakes when sounding more feminine.


3. Drink water


Mastering A Convincing Feminine Voice For MTF Crossdressers in 6 Steps


Hear me out; from adjusting a statistical 7000 words a day to 20’000, as women are speculated to say, you’ll need to keep your throat wet.


Make sure to keep a water bottle close by to sip on every day.


4. Key Mannerisms Worth Copying


How good are your acting skills? You’ll need to learn how the ladies do it down to how you move your mouth to form words.


Smile a little more when you speak, for example, and don’t be shy to throw in a few hand gestures or hair flips here and there.


Pick one person to emulate


Mastering A Convincing Feminine Voice For MTF Crossdressers in 6 Steps


If you’re not sure where to start, then try this tip: pick your favorite show and try mimicking the female characters in it, and remember to keep it as natural as possible.


This is a great technique because not only are you getting to learn audibly, but you’ll be able to also catch on top of the visual cues that go with your speech.


Check out these tips from a vocal coach to keep in mind when adopting a more feminine-sounding voice.


Make it specific


Mastering A Convincing Feminine Voice For MTF Crossdressers in 6 Steps


Certain languages and accents have a very specific way they speak, which can be a great way to get you into character.


My personal favorite is a British accent that I still sometimes pull when I go out with my friends.


With an accent, you’ll know you’re off when you hear yourself speak when imitating a specific character.


Stay in Character


Mastering A Convincing Feminine Voice For MTF Crossdressers in 6 Steps


Anchoring your voice in this specific way helps you stay in character much easier without slipping in and out.


You could even record yourself and play it back so you can hear how you sound.


If you were on the other end of, say, a call with the feminine you, would you be convinced?


5. Practise


They weren’t lying when they said practice makes perfect, so even if you don’t get it right the first time, keep going; soon, you’ll have it all perfect!


Have an audience


Mastering A Convincing Feminine Voice For MTF Crossdressers in 6 Steps


This formula works if you do, so make sure to work.


Go in front of your mirror to be in private and watch yourself speak.


Instead of singing in the shower, you could even do your voices, so you get better with time.


Please take it to the world.


When you feel ready, take your new voice out for a test drive and have a trusted friend give you feedback on how you’re doing or where you need improvement.


You can even have these trial conversations over the phone or send voice notes.




Here’s a shared experience from someone who worked with a vocal instructor to encourage you as you work on your feminine energy.


6. Breathe


Mastering A Convincing Feminine Voice For MTF Crossdressers in 6 Steps


This is a common speech coaching tip, and it works just as well here, too!


Working on your feminine voice might be a bit of work at first, so it’s important to remember to breathe.


This will make you sound a lot more confident instead of sounding out of breath and help give you a better posture.




This isn’t to necessarily say that you’re to act like a prim and proper lady, no.


Breathing helps you slow down, allowing you to remember to put into practice everything you’ve learned until it becomes your second nature.


And this is crucial when trying to apply the sing-song way of speaking when you first start.


This is a tip I’ve carried with me for a long time, helping to ground me in my journey.


Practical Practising Tips


Mastering A Convincing Feminine Voice For MTF Crossdressers in 6 Steps


Allow me to share one of the most amazing hacks I learned when I started working on my feminine voice.


This was one of the videos that helped me get my game on!


While I’m a fluent English native speaker, this video was super useful.


These were all things I already knew, but listening in on the differences in how a female voice would say it made all the difference.


I listened in on the intonations, where her voice would dip and rise, and worked to transform my voice to that.




Find similar videos to copy and follow along.


At some point, having a one-sided conversation with yourself won’t be enough.


You need to hear yourself react to real-time conversations, and this is, in my opinion, a great place to start!


Convince Your Audience


Mastering A Convincing Feminine Voice For MTF Crossdressers in 6 Steps


The only way to be taken seriously in your craft, in my opinion, is to take yourself seriously and invest in your feminine voice.


Your voice is like your fingerprint; no exact two exist, and no one wears it as well as you can.




I recommend watching your TV shows to mimic the voice of your favorite character.


Aside from that, I make sure I get the vocabulary right and remember to talk softer than usual.


Remember, when you put on your pretty dress and high stiletto heels, remember that your “look” isn’t truly complete unless your voice is in check.

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