Creative Crossdressing Uses for Makeup

05/11/2022 - BY rachel

What cross-dressers know the best is that makeup supplies are versatile. Makeup’s goal is to make women more beautiful, conceal minor imperfections in their faces. But we, as cross-dressers, know that we can use it to transform men into women completely. But sometimes our sisters miss the potential of this kind of product. Instead of focusing solely on conventional usage, you can be creative and repurpose some of your makeup supplies. I hope to discuss these and other cases in-depth to make my explanation straightforward. My goal is to help cross-dressers like you better understand makeup usage by the end of it.


 Creative Crossdressing Uses for Makeup


Seeing some new options may help you, unlocking many new opportunities. As an example, think of your conventional lipstick. It can also serve as a blush and color corrector. You may also find other uses for conditioners, concealers, and even hairspray. Some of these items, such as BB spray, are quite versatile and may be used for various purposes. There are a lot of possibilities to try, so you shouldn’t be limited by what’s conventional.



1. Using your lipstick as a blush


Let’s start with a rather fundamental trick. We all know how vital lipstick is for a cross-dresser. It makes our lips stand out and look both more feminine and seductive. The result of this process is that it helps us feminize our faces by highlighting the feminine features of our complexion. But what some of us don’t know yet, is that we can find more uses to this simple makeup supply.


 Creative Crossdressing Uses for Makeup


Excellent yet straightforward use for lipstick is as a substitute for blushes. Now, we all know how essential blushes are for makeup purposes. Any other product can hardly mimic the glow it adds to our skin. Besides that, a blush helps us appear healthier and younger, two things associated with female beauty standards. However, as most blushes come as powders, it may be a complex product to apply. Your luck is that lipstick is one of the few products that can replace a blush powder. Besides that, its creamy nature grants that it will easily stick to the region you apply it to.


 Creative Crossdressing Uses for Makeup


It works, but you may also benefit from taking a few precautions. First, test the pigmentation of the lipstick you chose. Sometimes, the color seems slightly different from what we see in the packaging after it’s applied. Another thing to consider is to make sure your foundation is dry before using it. This way, you avoid ending up with a mix of colors instead.


2. Concealing your five o’clock shadow


 Creative Crossdressing Uses for Makeup


Yet another use for your lipstick is as a color corrector. You see, it’s possible to use it to conceal some other masculine features, such as your five o’clock shadow. If you don’t know what it is, I’ll explain it briefly. I’m talking about that dark bluish tone that remains in the areas your beard used to be. Even after shaving, it’s still visible and may give you away.


 Creative Crossdressing Uses for Makeup


With that in mind, some cross-dressers try to cover it all up with powders and foundation to conceal it. The problem is that most foundations are inefficient when it comes to that, and these bluish Sub-Tones still show through them. It would help if you had a color corrector that negates the blue hue and compensates for the tones. And your lipstick can play this same role. The color you need varies depending on how solid and visible your five o’clock shadow is. But reddish-orange tones are often a good choice. Once again, I want to encourage you to test the pigmentation before using it.


3. Hair conditioner can serve as shaving cream


 Creative Crossdressing Uses for Makeup


To be a cross-dresser means that you are familiar with shaving. At the very least, you’re likely to shave your beard before applying makeup. If you don’t, that’s okay, cross-dressing is a personal experience, and you do you. Nonetheless, most of our sisters often use some sort of shaving cream. But when it comes to shaving legs and arms, things may get a bit more expensive. What I mean is that you would be wasting too much of your cream, which isn’t a very cheap asset.


 Creative Crossdressing Uses for Makeup


The good thing is that the hair conditioner works almost the same way and is way cheaper. It helps to moisturize the hair in our arms and legs, making them much easier to remove. A bonus is that it also moisturizes our skin, making it appear smooth and more feminine.


4. Multiple uses for your concealer


 Creative Crossdressing Uses for Makeup


Foundation is yet another essential item for cross-dressers. We use it to make our face smoother, concealing some significant imperfections. It also provides us with an even surface to work with, much like a base layer. It holds our whole makeup together in the end, hence the name “foundation.”


 Creative Crossdressing Uses for Makeup


The problem is that we run out of foundation quite often, as we use many of it. But if you have some concealer, you can use it as a substitute. All you have to do is mix it up in roughly equal parts to your moisturizing cream. It works and feels the same as a foundation and keeps your skin hydrated. Besides that, it’s less likely to crack. My tip is for you to make sure that the concealer is one or two tones darker than your skin. That’s because the cream will make it appear lighter.


5. Repurpose your hairspray


We use hairspray to make our hair stay in place. Cross-dressers and drag queens may also use them on their wigs. It is not precisely a makeup item but fits in the same category. And of course, we can find a few alternative uses for it, and they have nothing to do with hair.


 Creative Crossdressing Uses for Makeup


The first one is somewhat common, and you may have already heard of it. You can spray it on your nails right after you finish painting them. The resulting reaction dries your nail polish almost instantly. Another use for your hairspray involves your stockings, which are also something cross-dressers use a lot. Spray it on your pantyhose, and it shall grant it some resistance to ripping apart.


6. Use mascara as a substitute for eyeliner


 Creative Crossdressing Uses for Makeup


Eyeliner is also widely used by cross-dressers. Eye makeup, in general, has excellent feminizing potential and makes us more seductive in general. But what should you do if you have no more eyeliner left? Well, use mascara instead! You have to apply some of it into your eyeliner pencil, and voila. It is also worth noticing that mascara makes up for waterproof, long-lasting eyeliner, which is much easier to apply.


7. BB cream is much more than a foundation


 Creative Crossdressing Uses for Makeup


BB cream is one of the most practical makeup innovations in recent years. Its standard usage is a form of foundation, but it also contains moisturizing properties that help with skincare. But you can go even further if you apply it beyond your face. Covering your legs, arms, and even your collar bone might also be a good idea. It helps to give these areas an even finish on your skin tone if you plan on showing them.


 Creative Crossdressing Uses for Makeup


You can take advantage of this situation to use some more revealing outfits. It ensures that all visible areas of your body match your face in color. The result is a more natural and convincing look, increasing your passability. Another idea is to cover up silicone breast forms with BB cream to make the transition between it and your skin seamless.


8. Baby powder may serve as a dry shampoo


Some of us keep our wigs stored for too long and have no time to clean them up. The proper way of taking care of a wig demands time and effort. But if you feel like you need to do something about it, try some dry shampoo. It helps to prevent minor entanglements, allowing you to style it better. But besides that, it also blocks part of the shine, making it look more like natural hair. The problem is that dry shampoos can be somewhat expensive and unavailable, depending on where you live.


 Creative Crossdressing Uses for Makeup


The good news is that you can use baby powder and talcum as substitutes. All you have to do is pay attention to the wig’s color and the type of powder you are using. That’s because white powders have substances that may taint darker wigs. Therefore, it’s better suited for white, gray, or light blonde wigs. But if you’re using a darker one, such as a black, brown, or red wig, for example, give preference to a wig spray. Some people suggest using clear powder, but there is a major problem with that. It may cause knots and entanglements to appear, making your wig harder to comb.


 Creative Crossdressing Uses for Makeup


Makeup is quite a versatile thing and allows us to be very creative. We can compensate for something we lack at the moment and repurpose entirely ordinary items. We cross-dressers and trans people are creative by nature, and this kind of thinking may help us in several situations. Have you ever tried any of these non-conventional usages for makeup items? Have you got any other examples? Let us know in the comments!




After reading those tips, which makeup item do you consider the most versatile?


BB cream


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