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How to organize a crossdressing schedule

Life is the most diverse thing in this wide world. Each person has its own routine, with its very own particularities, and it surely is unique. Everyone lives a different life, with different responsibilities and duties, as well as a different amount of free time. Crossdressers often need some extra free time to practice and dress up, and sometimes it's not an easy thing to get. Conciliating your crossdressing habits with work, school and a number of other social activities can be something really hard and demanding to do, especially if you keep it as a secret and don't want to do it outside of your house, and the level of difficulty really depends on a number of factors. So, this topic can be something a little hard to work with as it's something so particular for each individual. In my point of view, the best way to do it, is to give some general tips that might help you to organize what you have to do, and show you how to use your time in a way that lets you practice crossdressing and enjoy your life.


1- Start with a sketch

Putting everything on paper really helps a lot. It makes things easier to remember, and lets you think about them more precisely.  You can start with a sheet of paper, pointing to what you usually do on a weekly basis, and use a calendar to mark important dates. Try highlighting everything that must be done until a certain date, and mark the hours in which you are usually busy. This might give you an idea of exactly how much free time you have, and exactly when you will be able to crossdress again. The best part of it, is that you don't even need to do that on paper or buy office supplies, because there are a lot of apps online for smartphones that can help you with that, and some softwares and websites might let you do that on your computer for free. Just make sure you keep it private so no one finds out if you don't want to. 

2- Think of your priorities

When organizing a schedule, it's really important to put things in order of priority, so you don't get in any trouble. You should put the most important things, like work or school, first than anything, so you can be done with your responsibilities before anything else. When you're done with your that, it's totally up to you how to define the importance of what's left to do. If you have something else you want to do besides crossdressing, consider thinking what is worth spending your time on, and what are the things you can do later or in another day, so you still have enough time to do them. Doing that is something that is going to work in different ways for each person, always depending on how busy you are and how much free time you have available.


3- Reserve some time for yourself

After you define exactly what you have to do, and when you are going to do, it's time to decide how you're doing to expand the time you have for yourself. That time is crucial for your health, because you need to do things you like as well. If you are reading this article, that thing is probably crossdressing, but doesn't need to stop there. Once you get time for crossdressing on your schedule, chances are that you still have some free time available, and you should use it to enjoy other things you like too. Some suggestions are going out with friends (crossdressing or not), reading, playing games or even spending time on a hobby. Use this time as it pleases you, and if you are doing something you love, you overall happiness will be improved.


4- Concerns of a busy daily life

Life tends to be hard and to make us hurry up with every single thing we do nowadays. Free time is something that is everyday harder to have, because we are always doing something without stopping, and It's not healthy (especially concerning mental health). To overcome that, we need an escape, we need time to spend with ourselves doing things that we love, or else we'll end up in a hospital. If you like crossdressing, make sure that you spend some time crossdressing no matter what, because it's gonna be good for you and for your mind. Crossdressing can be something that demands too much time, but if you practice a little bit every couple of days, and reserve a few hours a week to dress up, you'll easily notice the improvements on your life, so don't give up!

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